



2001 ~ 2005 北京理工大学,光电工程系-测控技术与仪器,工学学士

2006 ~ 2008 北京理工大学,光电工程系-光学工程,工学硕士

2008 ~ 2015 中国科学院物理研究所/中国科学院大学,物理学-光学,理学博士(硕博连读)


2015 ~ 2017  Imperial College London,London,UK

                     Quantum Optics and Laser Science (QOLS) Group

                     Research Associate

2018 ~ 2021  Extreme Light Infrastructure – Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS) 


                     Research Fellow (固定职位)

2021 ~ 2023  CEA and University Paris-Saclay, LIDYL(Laboratory Interactions, Dynamics and Lasers)

                     Institut Polytechnique de Paris, LOA (Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée),Paris,France 

                     Research Engineer

2023 ~          中国科学院物理所/中国科学院大学/松山湖材料实验室


1. 基于高次谐波产生(High Order Harmonic Generation)的阿秒脉冲和XUV脉冲。一方面是阿秒光源的产生,阿秒脉冲的时间宽度在阿秒(10^-18秒)量级,和电子运动的时间尺度可以比拟,是探测电子运动最有力的工具之一。XUV波段的光源(1~100nm)无论在科学还是工业上都有着广泛的应用,目前朝着高重频和高光子能量发展。另一方面是利用阿秒脉冲,对物质内部的动力学过程进行探测。

2. 强场光电子学。利用物质在强激光场下的强场(strong-field)非微扰非线性(non-perturbative and non-linear)响应,观察并控制物质中电子的结构和运动。扩展并深化高次谐波的产生,并拓展电子态的强场控制。可观测量是材料辐射出的高次谐波、光电子、以及瞬态吸收光谱等。

3. 少周期脉冲的产生和诊断



1. 阿秒光源

(1) 国内的第一个阿秒脉冲 Chin. Phys. Lett. 30, 093201 (2013)

(2) 高能量的水窗高次谐波(200 eV ~ 500 eV ) Sci. Adv. 4.5 (2018): eaar3761

(3)欧盟阿秒光源中的高重频(100kHz)高通量阿秒脉冲 Ultrafast Science 2022 (2022)

2. 利用水窗高次谐波(阿秒脉冲),测量物质内部激子被单光子激发以后的动力学演化过程

Nat. Commu.  13, 3414 (2022). 

3. 时空调制的强飞秒激光和物质的相互作用

(1) 飞秒激光的线性和非线性传播

Phy. Rev. A 90 (6), 063808 (2014).  J. Phys. B 53.15 (2020): 154004.

Phys. Rev. Applied 16.1 (2021): L011001.

(2) 气体中高次谐波产生过程中的量子轨道

Phy. Rev. Lett. 113.7 (2014): 073601.  New Journal of Physics 23.12 (2021): 123012.

(3) 气体、固体材料中电子的强场激发

Scientific reports 6.1 (2016): 1-7. Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 063202 (2018).

Advances in Ultrafast Condensed Phase Physics IV. Vol. 12992.l SPIE (2024)

Adv. Funct. Mater (2024):2409528


Peer Review Journals

[29] Schlemmer, L., Ye, P., Gauthier, D., Sunuganty, V., Babenkov, S., Froidevaux, M., Liu, X., Merdji, H. and Boutu, W., 2024, June. Spatial transformations of high-order harmonic generation in transition metal dichalcogenides. In Advances in Ultrafast Condensed Phase Physics IV (Vol. 12992, pp. 34-36). SPIE.

[28] Mallick, S., Ye, P., Boutu, W., Gauthier, D., Merdji, H., Bibes, M., Viret, M., Bouzehouane, K. and Cros, V., 2024. OAM Driven Nucleation of Sub‐50 nm Compact Antiferromagnetic Skyrmions. Advanced Functional Materials, p.2409528.

[27] Csizmadia, T., Filus, Z., Grósz, T., Ye, P., Gulyás Oldal, L., De Marco, M., Jójárt, P., Seres, I., Bengery, Z., Gilicze, B. and Lucchini, M., 2023. Spectrally tunable ultrashort monochromatized extreme ultraviolet pulses at 100 kHz. APL Photonics8(5).

[26] Filus, Z., Ye, P., Csizmadia, T., Grósz, T., Gulyás Oldal, L., De Marco, M., Füle, M., Kahaly, S., Varjú, K. and Major, B., 2022. Liquid-cooled modular gas cell system for high-order harmonic generation using high average power laser systems. Review of Scientific Instruments93(7).

[25] Garratt, D., Misiekis, L., Wood, D., Larsen, E.W., Matthews, M., Alexander, O., Ye, P., Jarosch, S., Ferchaud, C., Strüber, C. and Johnson, A.S., 2022. Direct observation of ultrafast exciton localization in an organic semiconductor with soft X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy. Nature Communications13(1), p.3414.

[24] Ye, P., Oldal, L.G., Csizmadia, T., Filus, Z., Grósz, T., Jójárt, P., Seres, I., Bengery, Z., Gilicze, B., Kahaly, S. and Varjú, K., 2022. High-flux 100 kHz attosecond pulse source driven by a high-average power annular laser beam. Ultrafast Science.

[23] Csizmadia, T., Oldal, L.G., Ye, P., Majorosi, S., Tzallas, P., Sansone, G., Tosa, V., Varjú, K., Major, B. and Kahaly, S., 2021. Detailed study of quantum path interferences in high harmonic generation driven by chirped laser pulses. New Journal of Physics23(12), p.123012.

[22] Gulyás Oldal, L., Ye, P., Filus, Z., Csizmadia, T., Grósz, T., De Marco, M., Bengery, Z., Seres, I., Gilicze, B., Jójárt, P. and Varjú, K., 2021. All-optical experimental control of high-harmonic photon energy. Physical Review Applied16(1), p.L011001.

[21] Gulyás Oldal, L., Csizmadia, T., Ye, P., Harshitha, N.G., Zaïr, A., Kahaly, S., Varjú, K., Füle, M. and Major, B., 2020. Generation of high-order harmonics with tunable photon energy and spectral width using double pulses. Physical Review A102(1), p.013504.

[20] Ye, P., Csizmadia, T., Oldal, L.G., Gopalakrishna, H.N., Füle, M., Filus, Z., Nagyillés, B., Divéki, Z., Grósz, T., Dumergue, M. and Jójárt, P., 2020. Attosecond pulse generation at ELI-ALPS 100 kHz repetition rate beamline. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics53(15), p.154004.

[19] Gulyás Oldal, L., Csizmadia, T., Ye, P., Harshitha, N.G., Füle, M. and Zaïr, A., 2019. Double-pulse characterization by self-referenced spectral interferometry. Applied Physics Letters115(5).

[18] Schütte, B., Peltz, C., Austin, D.R., Strüber, C., Ye, P., Rouzée, A., Vrakking, M.J., Golubev, N., Kuleff, A.I., Fennel, T. and Marangos, J.P., 2018. Low-energy electron emission in the strong-field ionization of rare gas clusters. Physical Review Letters121(6), p.063202.

[17] Johnson, A.S., Wood, D., Austin, D.R., Brahms, C., Gregory, A., Holzner, K.B., Jarosch, S., Larsen, E.W., Parker, S., Strüber, C. and Ye, P., 2018. Apparatus for soft x-ray table-top high harmonic generation. Review of Scientific Instruments89(8).

[16] Johnson, A.S., Austin, D.R., Wood, D.A., Brahms, C., Gregory, A., Holzner, K.B., Jarosch, S., Larsen, E.W., Parker, S., Strüber, C.S. and Ye, P., 2018. High-flux soft x-ray harmonic generation from ionization-shaped few-cycle laser pulses. Science advances4(5), p.eaar3761.

[15] B SchütteP YeS PatchkovskiiDR AustinC Brahms, C Strüber, T WittingMY Ivanov, T. W. G. John, and J. P. Marangos. "Strong-field ionization of clusters using two-cycle pulses at 1.8 μ m." Scientific reports 6, no. 1 (2016): 39664.

[14] A.S. Johnson, L. Miseikis, D. A. Wood, D. R. Austin, C. Brahms, S. Jarosch, C.S. Strüber, P. Ye, and J. P. Marangos, 2016. Measurement of sulfur L2, 3 and carbon K edge XANES in a polythiophene film using a high harmonic supercontinuum. Structural Dynamics3(6).

[13] DR AustinT WittingSJ WeberP Ye, T Siegel, P Matía-Hernando, AS Johnson, et al. "Spatio-temporal characterization of intense few-cycle 2 μm pulses." Optics Express 24, no. 21 (2016): 24786-24798.

[12] SY Zhong, XK He, H Teng, P Ye, LF Wang, et al. "Frequency dependence of quantum path interference in non-collinear high-order harmonic generation." Chinese Physics B 25, no. 2 (2016): 023301.

[11] LF Wang, M Liu, H Teng, BB Wang, LY Peng, XK He, SY Zhong, P Ye, P He, MJ Zhan, et al. "Above-threshold ionization spectra asymmetrically broadened in the extreme-ultraviolet pulse train and infrared laser fields." JOSA B 32, no. 4 (2015): 540-544.

[10] P Ye, H Teng, XK He, SY Zhong, LF Wang, MJ Zhan, W Zhang, CX Yun, ZY Wei. "Minimizing the angular divergence of high-order harmonics by truncating the truncated Bessel beam." Physical Review A 90, no. 6 (2014): 063808.

[9] P Ye, X He, H Teng, M Zhan, S Zhong, W Zhang, L Wang, Z Wei.  "Full quantum trajectories resolved high-order harmonic generation." Physical Review Letters 113, no. 7 (2014): 073601.

[8] W Zhang, H Teng, CX Yun, P Ye, MJ Zhan, et al. "Long-Term Stabilization of Carrier-Envelope Phase for Few Cycles Ti: Sapphire Laser Amplifier." Chinese Physics Letters 31, no. 8 (2014): 084204.

[7] P Ye, X He, H Teng, M Zhan, W Zhang, L Wang, S Zhong, Z Wei. "Extraction of the in situ temporal information of few-cycle laser pulse from carrier-envelope phase-dependent high order harmonic spectrum." JOSA B 31, no. 6 (2014): 1355-1359.

[6] 范海涛, 王胭脂, 王兆华, 叶蓬, 胡国行, 秦爽, 何会军, 易葵, 邵建达, 魏志义, 2014. 全啁啾镜色散补偿的亚 8 fs 钛宝石激光器. 物理学报63(21), p.214203.

[5] 张大鹏, 梁志国, 叶蓬. "光频测量用飞秒激光频率梳光谱扩展实验研究." 计测技术 34.3 (2014): 43-46.

[4] J. Y. Zhang, J., Wang, B. Chen, P. Ye, W. Zhang, et al. (2013). Safety evaluation of femtosecond lentotomy on the porcine lens by optical measurement with 50‐femtosecond laser pulses. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine45(7), 450-459.

[3] M. J. Zhan, P. Ye, H. Teng, et al. "Generation and measurement of isolated 160-attosecond XUV laser pulses at 82 eV." Chinese Physics Letters 30.9 (2013): 093201.

[2] S. Y. Zhong, X. K. He, P. Ye, M. J. Zhan, H. Teng, Z. Y. Wei. (2013). Effects of driving laser jitter on the attosecond streaking measurement. Optics Express21(15), 17498-17504.

[1] 梁志国, 魏志义, 韩海年, 张大鹏, 叶蓬, 武腾飞. (2013). 用差频腔产生覆盖 633nm 光谱的飞秒激光频率梳. 计量学报34(2), 161-167.



[3] 叶蓬, 魏志义, 2023. 从光电效应, 波粒二象性到阿秒脉冲——2023 年诺贝尔物理学奖. 自然杂志45(6), pp.410-416.

[2] 2023年物理诺奖是否违反海森堡的测不准原理?深度解读阿秒脉冲

[1]《阿秒物理》 赵环,赵研英,叶蓬(译). 国防工业出版社.2023年1月 第1版

Luis Plaja, Ricardo Torres, and Amelle Zaïr. "Attosecond physics." Springer Series in Optical Sciences 177 (2013).



1. 高次谐波和阿秒脉冲的产生和诊断

2. 飞秒激光和固体材料相互作用

3. 作为阿秒激光驱动源的高重频少周期飞秒激光







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It is planned to recruit 1 to 2 master's and doctoral students every year, and postdoctor are also welcome to join.

You will join the Ultrafast Matter Center and the Attosecond Center to conduct research; you will also have the opportunity to study and visit relevant well-known international institutions.


