

•    1998/07 - 2006/05,美国马里兰大学 (University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland),哲学博士,化学物理专业
•    1990/09 – 1995/07,北京大学,理学士,物理专业

•    2014/12 - 至今,中国科学院物理研究所,光物理实验室L07组,副研究员
•    2011/06 – 2014/11,美国中佛罗里达大学 (University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida), Department of Physics and CREOL,研究助理教授 (Research Assistant Professor)
•    2009/02 – 2011/05,美国堪萨斯州立大学 (Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas),Department of Physics,James R. MacDonald Laboratory,博士后
•    2006/06 – 2009/02,美国内布拉斯加大学 (University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska),Department of Physics and Astronomy,博士后
•    1995/07 - 1998/06,中国计量科学研究院,量子部光频室,助理工程师

•    美国光学学会资深会员 (Senior member, 2011)
•    国际阿秒科学与技术委员会委员(自2018年)
•    中国科学院物理研究所科技新人奖(2019年春季)
•    第十一届国际信息光学和光子学会议超快和非线性现象小组委员会委员(The 11th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, 2019)
•    第六届国际阿秒物理会议本地委员会主席(The 6th International Conference on Attosecond Physics, 2017)
•    第八届国际超快现象和太赫兹波论坛程序委员会委员(The 8th International Symposium on Ultrafast Phenomena and Terahertz Waves, 2016)
•    第十届国际超快光学会议本地委员会委员(The 10th  Ultrafast Optics Conference, 2015)
•    电气和电子工程师协会光子学会议高功率高密度源小组委员会委员(IEEE Photonics Conference, 2014-2015)




在极紫外阿秒激光脉冲的产生和测量、以及作为阿秒脉冲驱动光源的少周期飞秒激光脉冲的产生等领域取得了具有国际先进水平的成绩。于2011年获评美国光学学会(OSA)资深会员(Senior Member);2018年成为国际阿秒物理委员会委员。主要科研成果包括:1)利用固体薄片中的非线性光谱展宽产生载波包络相位稳定的毫焦量级少周期飞秒脉冲;2)53阿秒和67阿秒极紫外光脉冲的产生和测量,在当时都是最短相干光脉冲的世界记录。至2019年共发表期刊和会议论文50多篇,谷歌学术统计总引用超过1900次,SCI他引估计900次左右;专利授权3份;目前主持多项科技部、基金委和中科院的科研项目。


15.    Yu-Jiao Jiang (江昱佼), Yue-Ying Liang (梁玥瑛), Yi-Tan Gao (高亦谈), Kun Zhao (赵昆)*, Si-Yuan Xu (许思源), Ji Wang (王佶), Xin-Kui He (贺新奎), Hao Teng (滕浩), Jiang-Feng Zhu (朱江峰), Yun-Lin Chen (陈云琳), and Zhi-Yi Wei (魏志义)*, Attosecond pulse trains driven by IR pulses spectrally broadened via supercontinuum generation in solid thin plates, Chin. Phys. B 29, 013206 (2020).
14.    Hang-Dong Huang (黄杭东), Chen-Yang Hu (胡晨阳), Hui-Jun He (何会军), Hao Teng (滕浩), Zhi-Yuan Li (李志远), Kun Zhao (赵昆)*, and Zhi-Yi Wei (魏志义)*, Broadband mid-infrared pulse via intra-pulse difference frequency generation based on supercontinuum from multiple thin plates, Chin. Phys. B 28, 114203 (2019).
13.    Pei Huang, Shaobo Fang, Yitan Gao, Kun Zhao, Xun Hou, and Zhiyi Wei, Simple method for simultaneous long-term stabilization of relative timing and carrier-envelope phase in waveform synthesis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 031102 (2019).
12.    赵昆,《激光、啁啾脉冲放大、超快光学和诺贝尔奖》,科学通报 64, 1433 (2019).
11.    赵昆,许思源,江昱佼,高亦谈,刘阳阳,何鹏,滕浩,朱江峰,魏志义,《基于固体介质的倍频程连续光谱产生的研究进展》,物理学报 67, 124203 (2018).
10.    Jie Li, Xiaoming Ren, Yanchun Yin, Kun Zhao, Andrew Chew, Yan Cheng, Eric Cunningham, Yang Wang, Shuyuan Hu, Yi Wu, Michael Chini, and Zenghu Chang, 53-attosecond X-ray pulses reach the carbon K-edge, Nat. Commun. 8, 186 (2017).
9.    Yang-Yang Liu (刘阳阳), Kun Zhao (赵昆)*, Peng He (何鹏), Hang-Dong Huang (黄杭东), Hao Teng (滕浩), and Zhi-Yi Wei (魏志义)*, High-Efficiency Generation of 0.12 mJ, 8.6 fs Pulses at 400nm Based on Spectral Broadening in Solid Thin Plates, Chin. Phys. Lett. 34, 074204 (2017).
8.    Peng He, Yangyang Liu, Kun Zhao*, Hao Teng, Xinkui He, Pei Huang, Hangdong Huang, Shiyang Zhong, Yujiao Jiang, Shaobo Fang, Xun Hou, and Zhiyi Wei*, High-efficiency supercontinuum generation in solid thin plates at 0.1 TW level (Editor’s Pick), Opt. Lett. 42, 474 (2017).
7.    Yanchun Yin, Jie Li, Xiaoming Ren, Kun Zhao, Yi Wu, Eric Cunningham, and Zenghu Chang, High-efficiency optical parametric chirped-pulse amplifier in BiB3O6 for generation of 3 mJ, two-cycle, carrier-envelope-phase-stable pulses at 1.7 μm, Opt. Lett. 41, 1142 (2016).
6.    Michael Chini, Kun Zhao, and Zenghu Chang, The generation, characterization, and applications of broadband isolated attosecond pulses, Nat. Photon. 8, 178 (2014).
5.    Y. Wu, E. Cunningham, H. Zang, J. Li, M. Chini, X. Wang, Y. Wang, K. Zhao, and Z. Chang, Generation of high-flux attosecond extreme ultraviolet continuum with a 10 TW laser, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 201104 (2013).
4.    Kun Zhao, Qi Zhang, Michael Chini, Yi Wu, Xiaowei Wang, and Zenghu Chang, Tailoring a 67 attosecond pulse through advantageous phase-mismatch (Spotlight on Optics), Opt. Lett. 37, 3891 (2012).
3.  Ximao Feng, Steve Gilbertson, Hiroki Mashiko, He Wang, Sabih D. Khan, Michael Chini, Yi Wu, Kun Zhao, and Zenghu Chang, Generation of Isolated Attosecond Pulses with 20 to 28 Femtosecond Lasers (Featured in Physics, Editors' Suggestion), Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 183901 (2009).
2.  K. Zhao and W. T. Hill, III, Ejection anisotropy in three-atom Coulomb explosions, Phys. Rev. A 71, 013412 (2005).
1.  K. Zhao, G. Zhang, and W. T. Hill, III, Strong-field dissociative ionization of a linear triatomic molecule: Relationship between Coulomb-explosion energies and bond angle, Phys. Rev. A 68, 063408 (2003).

2.    Qi Zhang, Kun Zhao, and Zenghu Chang, Attosecond Extreme Ultraviolet Supercontinuum, in The Supercontinuum Laser Source, edited by Robert R. Alfano (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2016).
1.    Kun Zhao, Qi Zhang, Michael Chini, and Zenghu Chang, Route to One Atomic Unit of Time -- Development of a Broadband Attosecond Streak Camera, in Multiphoton Processes and Attosecond Physics, edited by K. Yamanouchi and K. Midorikawa (Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2012).






