Jure Dobnikar





2016-2020 NANOTRANS:网络协调人,欧洲范围2020训练网络,纳米级软物质运输, (www.etn-nanotrans.eu) 包括10所大学和3个工业参与者
2014-2017  IRCSM (BUCT):主任助理,建立研究项目,吸引主要研究员和管理国际合作项目
2016-2019  STUDY PROGRAM: 在中国科学院大学建立软物质研究生项目,这个项目将会在欧洲和美国院校的合作下实施
2009-2013 COMPLOIDS (www.itn-comploids.eu) ITN 网络协调代理人,包括12个参与者组织专业课程,暑期学校(瓦伦纳 2012),国际会议(卢布亚尔那 2013)


81 D. Barton, R. Sknepnek, J. Dobnikar: Optimal Resolution Piecewise Linear Approximation for Noisy Trajectories, in progress
80 D. Barton, R. Sknepnek, J. Dobnikar: General mixture models reveal essential characteristics of twitching motility, in progress
79 J. Codina, B. Mahault, X. Shi, H. Chate, J. Dobnikar, I. Pagonabarraga: Structuring of polar active matter in presence of extended obstacles,  in progress
78 J. Codina, I. Pagonabarraga, J. Dobnikar: Emerging interactions in aligning active fluids, preprint
77 X. Zhaoping, J. Dobnikar, D. Frenkel, T. Curk: Weak receptor–receptor and particle–particle attraction enhances the selectivity of membrane binding and endocytosis, Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA under review (2024)
76 H. Zhang, Z. Guo, D. Frenkel*, J. Dobnikar*, X. Zhang*, Thermodynamic properties of pinned nanobubbles, Phys. Rev. Fluids under review (2024)
75 J.D. Farrell*, J. Dobnikar*, R. Podgornik*, T. Curk*: Spool-nematic ordering of dsDNA and dsRNA under confinement, Phys. Rev. Lett. under review (2024)

74 J. Siddiqui, J. Codina, I. Pagonabarraga, J. Dobnikar*: Dynamics of domain growth and droplet formation in binary fluid mixturesSoft Matter under review (2024)



73  D. Barton, Y.-R. Chang, W. Ducker, J. Dobnikar*: Data–driven modelling makes quantitative predictions regarding bacteria surface motility, PLoS Comp Biol 20(5) e1012063 (2024)
72 M.C.R. Bell-Davies, J. Codina, A. Curran, J. Dobnikar*, I. Pagonabarraga, R. Dullens:  Direct measurement of strongly attractive pair potentials using pairs of optical traps, J Chem Phys 160 184201 (2024)


71 R. Hu, A. Majee, J. Dobnikar*, R. Podgornik*, Electrostatic interactions between charge regulated spherical macroions, Eur. Phys. J. E 46 115 (2023)

70 M. Liu, J.D. Farrell*, X. Zhang, J. Dobnikar*, S. Angioletti-Uberti*: The role of surface topography on the self-assembly of polymeric surfactants, Soft Matter 19 1709 (2023)

69 J.D. Farrell, J. Dobnikar*, R. Podgornik*: Role of genome topology in the stability of viral capsids, Phys. Rev. Res. 5 012040 (2023)


68 X. Wang, J. Dobnikar*, D. Frenkel*: Numerical test of the Onsager relations in a driven system, Phys. Rev. Lett., 129 238002 (2022)
67 J. Codina, B. Mahault, H. Chaté*, J. Dobnikar*, I. Pagonabarraga*, X. Shi: Small Obstacle in a Large Polar Flock, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 218001 (2022)


66 X. Wang, J. Dobnikar, D. Frenkel: Effect of social distancing on super-spreading diseases: why pandemics modelling is more challenging than molecular simulation, Mol. Phys. e1936247 (2021)


 Tine Curk, Chris A. Brackley, James D. Farrell, Zhongyang Xing, Darshana Joshi, Susana Direito, Urban Bren, Stefano Angioletti-Uberti, Jure Dobnikar, Erika Eiser, Daan Frenkel, Rosalind J. Allen, Computational design of probes to detect  bacterial genomes  by multivalent binding, accepted for publication, in press, Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA (2020)
64 Jiachen Wei, Simòn Ramírez-Hinestrosa, Jure Dobnikar*, Daan Frenkel, Effect of the interaction strength and anisotropy on the diffusio-phoresis of spherical colloids, Soft Matter, Advance Article https://doi.org/10.1039/C9SM02053E;
63 Xipeng Wang, Simòn Ramirez-Hinestrosa, Jure Dobnikar*, Daan Frenkel, The Lennard-Jones potential: when (not) to use it, in press PCCP arXiv:1910.05746; DOI: 10.1039/C9CP05445F (2020)

62 T. Curk, J.D. Farrell, Jure Dobnikar*, R. Podgornik, Spontaneous Domain Formation in Spherically-Confined Elastic Filaments, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 047801 (2019)
61 Yow-Ren Chang, Erick R. Weeks, Daniel Barton, Jure Dobnikar*, William A. Ducker, Effect of Topographical Steps on the Surface Motility of the Bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 5(12) 6436-6445 (2019)
60 J. Dobnikar*, Dynamic Assembly of Magnetic Nanocolloids; in D. Chakrabarti and S. Sacanna (Editors): SELF-ASSEMBLY OF NANO- AND MICRO-STRUCTURED MATERIALS USING COLLOIDAL ENGINEERING; Elsevier Nanoscience Series, in press (2019);
60a J. Dobnikar*, Dynamic Assembly of Magnetic Nanocolloids, Frontiers of Nanoscience 13 23 (2019)
59 Hanqing Wang, Jure Dobnikar*, Jürgen Horbach, Active microrheology in two-dimensional magnetic networks, Soft Matter 15 4437-4444 (2019);
58 Tao Li, J. Klebes, Jure Dobnikar*, Paul S. Clegg, Morphology Evolution of a Particle-Stabilized Binary-Component System, Chem. Commun. 55 5575 (2019)
57  T. Li, A. Schofield, K. Chen, J. Thijssen, J. Dobnikar*, P. Clegg, Particle-Stabilized Janus Emulsions that Exhibit pH-Tunable Stability, Chem. Commun. 55 5773 (2019);
56  Xinli Gao, Song Hong, Zhiping Liu, Tongtao Yue, Jure Dobnikar*, Xianren Zhang, Membrane potential drives direct translocation of cell-penetrating peptides, Nanoscale 11, 1949-1958 (2019)

55  T. Curk, P. Wirnsberger, J. Dobnikar*, D. Frenkel, A. Saric, Controlling cargo trafficking in multicomponent membranes, Nano Letters 18 (9) 5350-5356 (2018) ;
54 T. Curk, U. Bren, J. Dobnikar*, Bonding interactions between ligand-decorated colloidal particles, Mol. Phys. 116 (21-22) 3392-3400 (2018)
53 T. Curk, J. Dobnikar*, D. Frenkel*, Design principles for superselectivity using multivalent interactions; in R. Haag, J. Huskens, L. Prins, B.J. Ravoo (Editors), Multivalency: Concepts, Research & Applications, John Wiley & Sons Ltd (2018)

52 Q. Xiao, Y. Liu, Z. Guo, Z. Liu, D. Frenkel*, J. Dobnikar*, X. Zhang*, What experiments on pinned nanobubbles can tell about the critical nucleus for bubble nucleation, Eur. Phys. J. E 40 114 (2017)
51 E.Y. Lee, T. Takahashi, T. Curk, J. Dobnikar*, R.L. Gallo*, G.C.L. Wong*, Crystallinity of Double-Stranded RNA-Antimicrobial Peptide Complexes Modulates Toll-Like Receptor 3-Mediated Inflammation, ACS Nano 11 (12) 12145–12155 (2017)
50 T. Curk, J. Dobnikar*, D. Frenkel*, Optimal multivalent targeting of membranes with many distinct receptors, Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci. USA 114 (28) 7210-7215 (2017)
49 Y. Brill-Karniely*, F. Jin, G.C.L. Wong*, D. Frenkel, J. Dobnikar*, Emergence of complex behavior in coordination of type IV pili, Scientific Reports 7 45467 (2017)

48 K. Ioannidou, M. Kanduc, L. Li, D. Frenkel, J. Dobnikar*, E. Del Gado*, Crucial effect of early-stage gelation on mechanical properties of cement, Nature Communications 7 12106 (2016)
47 B. Zhang, X. Chen, J. Dobnikar*, Z. Wang, X. Zhang, Spontaneous Wenzel to Cassie dewetting transition on structured surfaces, Phys. Rev. Fluids 1 073904 (2016)
46 J. Wei, F. Song, J. Dobnikar*, Assembly of superparamagnetic filaments in external field, Langmuir 32 9321–9328 (2016)
45 T. Mohoric, G. Kokot, N. Osterman, A. Snezhko, A. Vilfan, D. Babic, J. Dobnikar*, Dynamic Assembly of Magnetic Colloidal Vortices, Langmuir 32 5094−5101 (2016)
44 E.Y. Lee, C.K. Lee, N.W. Schmidt, F. Jin, R. Lande, T. Curk, A. Kaplan, D. Frenkel, J. Dobnikar, M. Gilliet, G.C.L. Wong, A review of immune amplification via ligand clustering by self-assembled liquid-crystalline DNA complexes, Adv. Col. Int. Sci. 232 17-24 (2016) 
43 T. Mohoric, J. Dobnikar*, J. Horbach, Two-dimensional magnetic colloids un
der shear,
Soft Matter 12, 3142 (2016);
42 J. Wei, J. Dobnikar, T. Curk, F. Song, The effect of attractive interactions and macromolecular crowding on crystallins association, PLoS One 11 e0151159 (2016)
41 T. Curk, J. Dobnikar*, D. Frenkel, Rational design of molecularly imprinted polymers, Soft Matter 12, 35-44 (2016);

40 N.W. Schmidt, F. Jin, R. Lande, T. Curk, W. Xian, L. Frasca, D. Frenkel, J. Dobnikar*, M. Gilliet*, G.C.L. Wong*, Antimicrobial-peptide-DNA complexes amplify TLR9 activation via liquid-crystalline ordering, Nature Materials 14, 696-700 (2015)

39 D. Dean, J. Dobnikar, A. Naji, R. Podgornik (Editors): Electrostatics of Soft and Disordered Matter, Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore (2014)
38 T. Curk, F. Martinez-Veracoechea, D. Frenkel and J. Dobnikar*: Nanoparticle organization in sandwiched polymer brushes, Nano Letters 4 (5), 2617-2622 (2014)
37 K. Müller, N. Osterman, D. Babić, C. N. Likos, J. Dobnikar* and A. Nikoubashman*: Pattern formation and coarse-graining in 2D colloids driven by multiaxial magnetic fields, Langmuir 18, 5088 (2014)
36 F. Martinez-Veracoechea, BM Mognetti, S Angioletti-Uberti, P Varilly, D Frenkel, J Dobnikar*, Designing stimulus-sensitive colloidal walkers, Soft Matter 10 3463 (2014)
35 T. Curk, D. Marenduzzo, and J. Dobnikar*: Chemotactic sensing towards ambient and secreted attractant drives collective behaviour of E. coli, PLoS One 8 e74878 (2013)
34 T. Curk, F. Martinez-Veracoechea, D. Frenkel, and J. Dobnikar*: Collective ordering of colloids in grafted polymer layers, Soft Matter 9 5565-5571 (2013)
33 J. Dobnikar*, A. Snezhko, and A. Yethiraj: Emergent colloidal dynamics in electromagnetic fields, Soft Matter 9, 3693-3704 (2013)
32 J. Dobnikar*, T. Curk, F. J. Martinez-Veracoechea, and D. Frenkel: Slow colloidal dynamics in polymer brushes, AIP Conf. Proc. 1518 391-397 (2013) 
31 S. El Shawish, E. Trizac, and J. Dobnikar*: Phase behaviour of colloidal assemblies on 2D corrugated substrates, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24 284118 (2012) 
30 T. Curk, A. de Hough, F.J. Martinez-Veracoechea, E. Eiser, D. Frenkel, J. Dobnikar, M. Leunissen: Layering, freezing, and re-entrant melting of hard spheres in soft confinement, Phys. Rev. E 85 021502 (2012) 
29 B.M. Mognetti, P. Varilly, S. Angioletti-Uberti, F.J. Martinez-Veracoechea, J. Dobnikar, M. Leunissen, D. Frenkel: Predicting DNA-mediated colloidal pair interactions, PNAS 109, E378 (2012) 
28 T. Curk, F. Matthäus, Y. Brill-Karniely, J. Dobnikar*: Coarse graining E. coli chemotaxis: from multi-flagella propulsion to logarithmic sensing, Adv.Exp.Med.Biol. 736, 381 (2012)
27 F. Matthäus, M.S. Mommer, T. Curk, and J. Dobnikar*: On the origin and characteristics of noise-induced Lévy Walks of E. Coli, PLoS ONE 6 (4) e18623 (2011)
26 S. Y. Lee, K. J. Webb, S. M. Clarke, M. O'Sullivan, and Jure Dobnikar: Low Salinity Oil Recovery: Increasing Understanding of the Underlying Mechanisms of Double Layer Expansion, Proceedings of the 16th EAGE meeting, Cambridge (2011) 
25 S. El Shawish, J. Dobnikar*, E. Trizac: Colloidal ionic complexes on periodic substrates: Ground-state configurations and pattern switching, Phys. Rev. E 83 041403 (2011)
24 E. Trizac, S. El Shawish, J. Dobnikar: Dimeric and dipolar ground state orders in colloidal molecular crystalsAn. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 82 87 (2010)
23 N. Osterman, I. Poberaj, J. Dobnikar*, D. Frenkel, P. Ziherl*, D. Babić*: Field-induced self-assembly of suspended colloidal membranes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 228301 (2009);Editorial: J. Douglas, Materials science: Membrane magic, Nature 463, 302 (2010);Editorial: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology Dec. 7 issue (2009);
22 F. Mattheus, M. Jagodič, and J. Dobnikar*: E. coli Super-diffusion and Chemotaxis – Search Strategy, Precision and Motility, Biophys. J.  97 946-957 (2009)
21 M. Kanduč, J. Dobnikar*, and R. Podgornik*: Counterion-mediated electrostatic interactions between helical molecules, Soft Matter 5 868-877 (2009)
20 J. Dobnikar*, J. Fornleitner, G. Kahl: Ground states of model core-softened colloids, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter  20 494220 (2008) 
19 J. Baumgartl, J. Dietrich, C. Bechinger, J. Dobnikar, H.H.von Grünberg: Phonon dispersion curves of two-dimensional colloidal crystals: on the wavelength dependence of friction, Soft Matter 4 2199 (2008);
18 S. El Shawish, J. Dobnikar*, E. Trizac: Ground states of colloidal molecular crystals on periodic substrates, Soft Matter 4 1491 (2008)
17 N. Osterman, D. Babic*, I. Poberaj, J. Dobnikar*, P. Ziherl*: Observation of Condensed Phases of Quasiplanar Core-Softened Colloids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 248301 (2007)
16 E. Trizac, L. Belloni, J. Dobnikar*, R. Castañeda-Priego and H.H. von Grünberg: Macroion virial contribution to the osmotic pressure in charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions, Phys. Rev. E 75 011401 (2007)
15 J. Dobnikar* and P. Ziherl: Stability of the hexagonal lattice of charged colloids, J. Mol. Liquids 131-132 173 (2007)
14 J. Dobnikar*, R. Castañeda-Priego, H.H von Grünberg and E. Trizac: Testing the relevance of effective interaction potentials between highly charged colloids in suspension,
New J. Phys. 8 277 (2006)
13 S Bleil, HHv Grünberg, J. Dobnikar*, R Castaneda-Priego, C Bechinger: Strain-induced domain formation in two-dimensional colloidal systems, Europhys. Lett. 73 450 (2006)
12 Brunner M., Dobnikar J.*, von Grünberg H.H. and Bechinger C.*: Direct measurement of three-body interactions amongst charged colloids, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 078301 (2004)
11 Dobnikar J.*, Brunner M., von Grünberg H.H., Bechinger C.: Three-body interactions in colloidal systems, Phys. Rev. E 69 (3) 031402 (2004)
10 Dobnikar J.*, Halozan D., Brumen M., von Grünberg H.H. and Rzehak R.: Poisson-Boltzmann Brownian dynamics of charged colloids in suspension, Computer Phys. Comm. 159 (2) 73-92 (2004)
9 Dobnikar J.*, M. Brunner, J. Baumgartl, C. Bechinger and H.H. von Grünberg: Three- and four-body interactions in colloidal systems, Proceedings of SPIE 5514,.340-351
8 Dobnikar J.*, Chen Y., Rzehak R. and von Grünberg H.H.: Many-body interactions and the melting of colloidal crystals, J. Chem. Phys. 119 (9) 4971 (2003)
7 J Dobnikar*, R Rzehak, HHv Grünberg: Effect of many-body interactions on solid-liquid phase behaviour of charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions, Europhys.Lett. 61 695 (2003)
6 Dobnikar J.*, Chen Y., Rzehak R. and von Grünberg H.H.: Many-body interactions in colloidal suspensions, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15 (1) S263-S268 (2003)
5 Podgornik R., Dobnikar J.*: Casimir and pseudo-Casimir interactions in confined polyelectrolytes, J.Chem.Phys. 115(4) 1951 (2001)
4 Dobnikar J. and Podgornik R.: Pseudo-Casimir force in confined nematic polymers, Europhys. Lett 53 (6) 735-741 (2001)
3 Robnik M., Dobnikar J.* and Prosen T.: Energy level statistics in the transition regime between integrability and chaos for systems with broken antunitary symmetry, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32 1427-1438 (1999)
2 Robnik M., Prosen T., Dobnikar J.*: Multi-component random model of diffusion in chaotic systems, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32 1147-1162 (1999)
1 Robnik M., Dobnikar J.*, Rapisarda A., Prosen T. and Petkovšek M.: New universal aspects of diffusion in strongly chaotic systems, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30 L803-L813 (1997)





