

孔盼盼  中科院物理所、特聘研究员、博士生导师



2014年12月-2024年02月:德国马普化学所,博士后,超高压极端条件下金属氢和富氢近室温超导体研究,师从富氢高温超导体实验发现者Mikhail Eremets教授





围绕“实验研制金属氢及富氢化物近室温超导体”开展持续性创新研究,取得的突破性成果:1)发展了世界最高水平的超高压原位电学表征技术;建立了超高压区间的压力标定曲线;2)实现了近百年金属氢研究进程中的重大突破,开创性地通过超高压电阻测量直接观测到氢气的半金属化;3)率先开展了富氢高温超导体的实验研究,首次发现了近室温超导体LaH10YH9Tc分别为250 K243 K),刷新了世界最高超导转变温度记录。这些原创性成果在高压物理领域具有里程碑式的意义,引领了近期金属氢和室温超导的研究热潮。以第一或共同第一作者身份发表Nature(入选2019Nature十大科学进展,ESI高被引)、Nature Physics Nature CommunicationsESI高被引)各1篇,以重要实验贡献者身份合作发表 Nature Materials 1篇、Nature Communications 2篇、PNAS 1篇和 Physical Review Letters 2篇等。


1.      P. P. Kong, V. S. Minkov, M. A. Kuzovnikov, A. P. Drozdov, S. P. Besedin, S. Mozaffari, L. Balicas, F. F. Balakirev, V. B. Prakapenka, S. Chariton, D. A. Knyazev, E. Greenberg & M. I. Eremets*, “Superconductivity up to 243 K in the yttrium-hydrogen system under high pressure”, Nature Communications 12, 5075 (2021).ESI高被引

2.      A. P. Drozdov, P. P. Kong, V. S. Minkov, S. P. Besedin, M. A. Kuzovnikov, S. Mozaffari, L. Balicas, F. F. Balakirev, D. E. Graf, V. B. Prakapenka, E. Greenberg, D. A. Knyazev, M. Tkacz & M. I. Eremets*, “Superconductivity at 250 K in lanthanum hydride under high pressures”, Nature 569, 528-531 (2019). co-first author入选2019Nature十大科学进展,ESI高被引

3.      M. I. Eremets *, A. P. Drozdov, P. P. Kong and H. Wang, “Semimetallic molecular hydrogen at pressure above 350 GPa”, Nature Physics 15, 1246-1249 (2019). co-first author

4.      M. I. Eremets*, V. S. Minkov, P. P. Kong, A. P. Drozdov, S. Chariton & V. B. Prakapenka, “ Universal diamond edge Raman scale to 0.5 terapascal and implications for the metallization of hydrogen ”, Nature Communications 14, 907 (2023).

5.      M. I. Eremets*, V. S. Minkov, A. P. Drozdov, P. P. Kong, “The characterization of superconductivity under high pressure”, Nature Materials 23, 26–27 (2024).

6.      M. I. Eremets*, V. S. Minkov, A. P. Drozdov, P. P. Kong, V. Ksenofontov, S. I. Shylin, S. L. Bud’ko, R. Prozorov, F. F. Balakirev, Dan Sun, S. Mozaffari & L. Balicas, “High-Temperature Superconductivity in Hydrides: Experimental Evidence and Details”, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 35, 965 (2022). ESI高被引

7.      P. P. Kong, F. Sun, L.Y. Xing, J. Zhu, S. J. Zhang, W. M. Li, Q. Q. Liu, X. C. Wang, S. M. Feng, X. H. Yu, J. L. Zhu, R. C. Yu, W. G. Yang, G. Y. Shen, Y. S. Zhao, R. Ahuja, H. K. Mao, and C. Q. Jin*, “Superconductivity in Strong Spin Orbital Coupling Compound Sb2Se3”, Scientific Reports 4, 6679 (2014).

8.      P. P. Kong, J. L. Zhang, S. J. Zhang, J. Zhu, Q. Q. Liu, R. C. Yu, Z. Fang, C. Q. Jin*, W. G.Yang, X. H. Yu, J. L. Zhu, and Y. S. Zhao, “Superconductivity of the topological insulator Bi2Se3 at high pressure”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 362204 (2013).

9.      J. Zhu, J. L. Zhang, P. P. Kong, S. J. Zhang, X. H. Yu, J. L. Zhu, Q. Q. Liu, X. Li, R. C. Yu, R. Ahuja, W. G. Yang, G. Y. Shen, H. K. Mao, H. M. Weng, X. Dai, Z. Fang, Y. S. Zhao, C. Q. Jin*, “Superconductivity in Topological Insulator Sb2Te3 Induced by Pressure”, Scientific Reports 3, 2016 (2013). (co-first author)

10.   W. Wu, J.G. Cheng*, , K. Matsubayashi, P. P. Kong, F. K. Lin, C. Q. Jin, N. L. Wang, Y. Uwatoko*, J. L. Luo*, “Superconductivity in the vicinity of antiferromagnetic order in CrAs”, Nature Communications 5, 5508 (2014).

11.   J. G. Cheng, K. E. Kweon, J. S. Zhou*, J. A. Alonsod, P. P. Kong, Y. Liu, C. Q. Jin, J. J. Wu, J. F. Lin, S. A. Larregola, W. G. Yang, G. Y. Shen, A. H. MacDonald, A. Manthiram, G. S. Hwang*, and J. B. Goodenough*, “Anomalous perovskite PbRuO3 stabilized under high pressure”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 20003-20007(2013).

12.   D. Haskel*, G. Fabbris, M. Zhernenkov, P. P. Kong, C. Q. Jin, G. Cao, and M. van Veenen daal, “Pressure Tuning of the Spin-Orbit Coupled Ground State in Sr2IrO4”, Physical Review Letters 109, 027204 (2012).

13.   J. G. Cheng, J. S. Zhou*, J. B. Goodenough, H. D. Zhou, K. Matsubayashi, Y. Uwatoko, P. P. Kong, C. Q. Jin, W. G. Yang and G.Y. Shen, “Pressure Effect on the Structural Transition and Suppression of the High-Spin State in the Triple-Layer T’-La4Ni3O8”, Physical Review Letters 108, 236403 (2012).

14.   L. Li, P. P. Kong, T. F. Qi, C. Q. Jin, S. J. Yuan, L. E. DeLong, P. Schlottmann, and G. Cao*, Tuning the Jeff = 1/2 insulating state via electron doping and pressure in the double-layered

iridate Sr3Ir2O7”, Physical Review B 87, 235127 (2013).

15.   J. G. Cheng*, J. S. Zhou, K. Matsubayashi, P. P. Kong, Y. Kubo, Y. Kawamura, C. Sekine, C. Q. Jin, J. B. Goodenough, and Y. Uwatoko, “Pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature of the filled skutterudite YFe4P12”, Physical Review B, 88, 024514 (2013).


(1)挑战500 GPa以上国际领先的静态超高压集成技术:金刚石压砧超高压技术、超高压电磁表征技术和超高压超导能隙探测技术等;













