

2023-现在 中国科学院物理研究所 特聘研究员,博士生导师

2022-2023年 清华大学材料学院 副研究员

2016-2021年 美国康奈尔大学,博士后

2014-2016年 澳大利亚莫纳什大学,博士后

2008-2014年 中国科学院物理研究所,理学博士

2012-2013年 德国马普固体所斯图加特电镜中心,访问学生

2004-2008年 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院,理学学士

《麻省理工科技评论》中国区35位35岁以下创新人物(TR35)、美国显微学会博士后奖、美国显微学会《Microscopy Today》创新奖和中国电子显微学会最佳报告奖。





(1)国际上首次突破电子显微镜物理透镜的分辨率极限,刷新图像分辨率的世界纪录,Nature 559, 343 (2018)

(2)成功反解困扰显微学界上百年的电子多重散射难题,国际上首次实现晶格热振动极限分辨率和纳米尺度三维分辨率,获两院院士评选的2021年度世界十大科技进展新闻,再次刷新了图像分辨率的世界纪录,Science 372, 826 (2021)。

(3)国际上首次实现洛伦兹电子叠层衍射的高分辨率磁成像技术,Nature Nanotechnology 17, 1165 (2022)。

(4)国际上首次实现原子尺度轻元素含量的定量测量,Nature 630, 847 (2024)。

在发展成像技术的同时,还综合应用先进的显微学方法,研究功能材料、量子材料和磁性材料等体系的微观结构及其与宏观性能的关联。近年来在Nature,Science,Nature Nanotechnology,Nature Communications和Ultramicroscopy等发表学术论文50余篇,会议论文20余篇,在国际国内做邀请报告50余次。



Z. Dong#, M. Huo#, J. Li#, J. Li, P. Li, H. Sun, L. Gu, Y. Lu*, M. Wang*, Y. Wang*, Z. Chen*. Visualization of Oxygen Vacancies and Self-doped Ligand Holes in La3Ni2O7-δ, Nature 630, 847 (2024). (Link)(国际上首次实现原子尺度轻元素含量的定量测量)
Z. Chen*, Y.-T. Shao, S. E. Zeltmann, Harikrishnan K. P., E. R. Rosenberg, C. A. Ross, Y. Jiang, D. A. Muller*. Imaging interstitial atoms with multislice electron ptychography, arXiv:2407.18063.
董泽昊,  陈震*, 王亚愚*。镍基高温超导体中的氧空位和配位空穴态,物理 53, 481 (2024). (Link)
Z. Dong, Y. Zhang, C.-C. Chiu, S. Lu, J. Zhang, Y.-C. Liu, S. Liu, J.-C. Yang, P. Yu, Y. Y. Wang, Z. Chen*. Sub-nanometer depth resolution and single dopant visualization achieved by tilt-coupled multislice electron ptychography, arXiv: 2406.04252 (2024).
Y. X. Zhang#, T. Xu#, W. J. Jiang, R. Yu*, Z. Chen*. Quantification of hybrid topological spin textures and their nanoscale fluctuations in ferrimagnets, Nano Letters, 24, 2727 (2024). (Link)



陈震*. 电子叠层衍射成像技术的突破及应用, 物理 52, 353 (2023) (特邀中文综述).

T. Xu#, Y. Zhang#, Z. Wang, H. Bai, C. Song, J. Liu, Y. Zhou, S. Je, A. T. N’Diaye, M. Im, R. Yu, Z. Chen*, W. Jiang*. Systematic control of ferrimagnetic skyrmions via composition modulation in Pt/Fe1-xTbx/Ta multilayers, ACS Nano 17, 7920 (2023).

H. Zhang, G. Li, J. Zhang, D. Zhang, Z. Chen, X. Liu, P. Guo, Y. Zhu, C. Chen, L. Liu, X. Guo, Y. Han. Three-dimensional inhomogeneity of zeolite structure and composition revealed by electron ptychography, Science 380, 633 (2023).

Z. Dong#, M. Huo#, J. Li#, J. Li, P. Li, H. Sun, Y. Lu*, M. Wang*, Y. Wang*, Z. Chen*. Visualization of Oxygen Vacancies and Self-doped Ligand Holes in La3Ni2O7-δ, arXiv:2312.15727 (2023).



Z. Chen*, E. Turgut, Y. Jiang, K. X. Nguyen, M. J. Stolt, S. Jin, D. C. Ralph, G. D. Fuchs, D. A. Muller*. Lorentz electron ptychography for imaging magnetic textures beyond the diffraction limit, Nature Nanotechnology, 17, 1165 (2022). (国际上首次实现高分辨率洛伦兹电子叠层衍射成像)(Link)

Z. Chen*, Y. Jiang, Y. T. Shao, M. E. Holtz, M. Odstril, M. Guizar-Sicairos, D. Schlom, D. A. Muller*. Electron ptychography achieves atomic-resolution limits set by lattice vibrations, Science, 372, 826 (2021).(国际上首次实现多重散射逆问题的精确求解,实现晶格振动极限的原子图像分辨率。2021年入选两院院士“世界十大科技进展新闻”,并刷新了图像分辨率的吉尼斯世界纪录)(Link)

Z. Chen, M. Odstrcil, Y. Jiang, Y. Han, H. Chiu, L. Li, D. A. Muller*. Mixed-state electron ptychography enables sub-angstrom resolution imaging with picometer precision at low dose, Nature Communications 11, 2994 (2020). (Link)

Y. Jiang#, Z. Chen#, Y. Han, P. Deb, H. Gao, S. Xie, P. Purohit, M. W.  Tate, J. Park, S. M. Gruner, V. Elser, D. A. Muller*, Electron ptychography of 2D materials to deep sub-ångström resolution, Nature 559, 343 (2018).(国际上首次证实叠层衍射能突破物理透镜的分辨率极限,曾入选图像分辨率的吉尼斯世界纪录)(Link)

T. Xu#, Z. Chen#, H. Zhou, Z. Wang, Y. Dong, L. Aballe, M. Foerster, P. Gargiani, M. Valvidares, D. M. Bracher, T. Savchenko, K. Armin, S. G. Je, M. Im, D. A. Muller*, and W. Jiang*. Imaging the spin chirality of ferrimagnetic Néel skyrmions stabilized on topological antiferromagnetic Mn3Sn, Physical Review Materials 5, 084406 (2021) (Editors’ suggestion).

A. M. Park#, Z. Chen#, X. Zhang, L. Zhu, R. A. Buhrman, D. A. Muller, G. D. Fuchs*. Operando control of skyrmion density in a Lorentz transmission electron microscope with current pulses, Journal of Applied Physics 128, 233902 (2020).

Z. Chen, D. J. Taplin, M. Weyland, L. J. Allen, S. D. Findlay*. Composition measurement in substitutionally disordered materials by atomic resolution energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy in scanning transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy 176, 52 (2017).

Z. Chen, M. Weyland, X. Sang, W. Xu, J. H. Dycus, J. M. LeBeau, A. J. D’Alfonso, L. J. Allen, S. D. Findlay*, Quantitative atomic resolution elemental mapping via absolute-scale energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Ultramicroscopy 168, 7 (2016).

Z. Chen*, M. Weyland, P. Ercius, J. Ciston, C. Zheng, M. S. Fuhrer, A. J. D’Alfonso, L. J. Allen, S. D. Findlay, Practical aspects of diffractive imaging using an atomic-scale coherent electron probe. Ultramicroscopy 169, 107 (2016).

Z. Chen#, A. J. D'Alfonso#, M. Weyland, D. J. Taplin, L. J. Allen, S. D. Findlay. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis on an absolute scale in scanning transmission electron microscopy. Ultramicroscopy 147, 21 (2015).

Z. Chen#, Y. Y. Peng#, Z. Wang, Y. J. Song, J. Q. Meng, X. J. Zhou, J. Q. Li. Compositional evolution of the anti-phase stripe superstructure in Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6 (0 < x ≤ 1.1) revealed by transmission electron microscopy. Superconductor Science and Technology 26, 055010 (2013).

Z. Chen, C. Ma, Y. J. Song, H. X. Yang, H. F. Tian, J. Q. Li. Charge ordered state and structural distortions in Fe2OBO3. Physical Review B 86, 045111 (2012).









