

潘金波,副研究员,博士生导师,国科大岗位教师,2016年中科院物理所获博士学位,2015-2016年美国Vanderbilt University交流访问,2016-2019年美国Temple University从事博士后研究,2019年入选中科院物理所引进海外杰出人才计划,2023年入选中科院青年创新促进会,获评J. Phys.: Conden. Matter Emerging Leaders 2020学术称号,原子级制造论坛青年委员会委员,Information & Functional Materials(IFM)青年编委。研究兴趣包括利用基于密度泛函理论的高通量计算、机器学习等数据驱动手段预测在电子学、磁性、拓扑等领域的高性能低维功能材料,揭示新材料的构效关系,阐明实验现象的物理本质。


1.     数据驱动高性能低维功能材料的理论设计
2.     低维材料中的新奇物理,结构和物性间的内在关联
3.     低维材料表、界面的理论模拟


近年来研究成果包括:阐明了锗烯、双层锗烯在金属表面的生长机制和相互作用机理;揭示了石墨烯表面磁性原子近藤效应、磁交换耦合调控机制;提出了构筑二维磁性半导体异质结实现量子反常霍尔效应的方法;预测了具有高温磁性拓扑、本征无标度铁电性、高迁移率等物性的低维材料; 构建了二维材料/基底界面数据库、离子层状基元和材料数据库。


  • XD Zhang, GL Wan, J Zhang, YF Zhang, JB Pan*, SX Du*, Eliminating Skyrmion Hall Effect in Ferromagnetic Skyrmions, Nano Lett. 24, 10796 (2024)
  • PX Li, L Tao, X Jin, GL Wan, J Zhang, YF Zhang, JT Sun, JB Pan*, SX Du*, Nonvolatile Multistate Manipulation of Topological Magnetism in Monolayer CrI3 through Quadruple-Well Ferroelectric Materials, Nano Lett. 24, 2345 (2024)
  • YH Li, J Deng, YF Zhang, X Jin, WH Dong, JT Sun, JB Pan*, SX Du*,Nonvolatile Electrical Control of Spin Polarization in the 2D Bipolar Magnetic Semiconductor VSeF, NPJ Comput. Mater. 9, 50 (2023)
  • ZY Liu, L Tao, YF Zhang, JB Pan*, SX Du*, Designing two-dimensional ferroelectric materials from phosphorus-analogue structures, Nano Res. 16, 5834 (2023)
  • YH Li, YF Zhang, J Deng, WH Dong, JT Sun, JB Pan*, SX Du*, Rational design of heteroanionic two-dimensional materials with emerging topological, magnetic, and dielectric properties, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 3594 (2022)
  • P Chen#, JB Pan#, BS Wan, XH Kong, Y Cheng, KH Liu, SX Du*, W Ji*, CF Pan*, ZL Wang, Anisotropic carrier mobility from 2H WSe2, Adv. Mater. 2108615 (2022)
  • X Jin#, L Tao#, YY Zhang, JB Pan*, SX Du*, Intrinsically scale-free ferroelectricity in two-dimensional M2X2Y6, Nano Res. 15, 3704 (2022)  
  • Y Song, JB Pan*, YF Zhang, HT Yang, SX Du*, Monolayer Iridium sulfide halides with high mobility transport anisotropy and highly efficient light harvesting, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.  12, 6007 (2021) (Supplementary Cover story)
  • YF Zhang#, JB Pan#, H Banjade, J Yu, H Lin, A Bansil, SX Du, Q Yan, Two-dimensional MX family of Dirac and quantum spin Hall effect materials with tunable electronic and topological properties, Nano Res. 14, 584 (2021) (Cover story)
  • JB Pan#, YF Zhang#, JD Zhang, H Banjade, J Yu, LP Yu, SX Du, A Ruzsinszky, ZP Hu, Q Yan, Auxetic two-dimensional transition metal selenides and halides,NPJ Comput. Mater., 6, 154 (2020)
  • JB Pan#, JB Yu#, YF Zhang, SX Du, A Janotti, CX Liu, Q Yan, Quantum anomalous Hall effect in two-dimensional magnetic insulator heterojunctions, NPJ Comput. Mater., 6, 152 (2020)
  • Y Sun#, JB Pan#, Z Zhang#, K Zhang, J Liang, W Wang, Z Yuan, Y Hao, B Wang, J Wang, Y Wu, J Zheng, L Jiao, S Zhou, K Liu, C Cheng, W Duan, Y Xu, Q Yan, K Liu, Elastic Properties and Fracture Behaviors of Biaxially-Deformed, Polymorphic MoTe2, Nano Lett., 19, 761 (2019)
  • J Ren#, H Guo#, JB Pan#, YF Zhang, Y Yang, X Wu, S Du, M Ouyang, HJ Gao, Interatomic spin coupling in manganese clusters registered on graphene, Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 176806(2017)
  • ZH Qin#, JB Pan#, SZ Lu, Y Shao, YL Wang, SX Du, HJ Gao, and GY Cao, Direct Evidence of Dirac Signature in Bilayer Germanene Islands on Cu (111), Adv. Mater., 29, 1606046 (2017)
  • JB Pan, SX Du, YY Zhang, LD Pan, YF Zhang, HJ Gao, ST Pantelides, Ferromagnetism and perfect spin filtering in transition-metal-doped graphyne nanoribbons, Phys. Rev. B, 92, 205429 (2015)
  • LF Li#, S Lu#, JB Pan#, ZH Qin, YL Wang, Y Wang, GY Cao, SX Du, HJ Gao, Buckled germanene formation on Pt (111), Adv. Mater., 26 4820 (2014)
  • JD Ren#, HM Guo#, JB Pan#, YY Zhang#, X Wu, HG Luo, SX Du, ST Pantelides, HJ Gao, Kondo Effect of Cobalt Adatoms on a Graphene Monolayer Controlled by Substrate-Induced Ripples, Nano Lett., 14, 4011 (2014)


YY Zhang, JB Pan*, SX Du, HJ Gao*, "Chapter 9: Two-Dimensional Crystals: Graphene, Silicene, Germanene, and Stanene" in 'Springer Handbook of Surface Science', Eds. Mario Rocca, Talat S. Rahman, Luca Vattuone, Pages 243-266, Springer, 2020.

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