









长期从事半导体材料和器件的研究工作,创建了半导体表面/界面工程及器件应用实验室,带领团队潜心研究,在非铟TCO材料、高效晶硅太阳能电池新工艺等方向上取得了重要进展,部分成果居于国际领先水平,同时形成了从基础研究到产业应用的全链条研发模式,获得了重大的技术转移转化成果。获国际国内授权专利100余项,其中数十项专利已实现技术转化,多款自研产品已经成功推向市场。作为负责人曾承担973项目课题、国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目、国际合作项目及横向项目等20余项,经费总额近亿元。在Advanced Materials、AELM、Small、Nanoscale、Sol. Energy Mater. & Sol. Cell,Acta Materialia、PRB/APL等本专业领域国际核心刊物上发表学术论文150余篇,总引用5000余次。作为会议组织者,成功举办了多次国际国内学术会议,作国际学术会议邀请报告二十余次。


1. Bowen Feng, Yaoping Liu, Wei Chen, Guoguang Xing, Xingqian Chen, Xiaolong Du: Differently shaped Ag crystallites and four current transport paths at sintered Ag/Si interface of crystalline silicon solar cells, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 257 (2023) 112381.

2. Sun, Z.; Chen, W.; Zhang, X.; Xu, M.; Xing, G.; Chen, X.; Feng, B.; Li, H.; Ma, J.; Wang, Y.; Du, X.; Liu, Y.: Chain Pyramid Texturization for Better Light Trapping and Efficiency of Silicon Solar Cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2023, 251, 112137.

3, Xu, M.; Xu, Z.; Sun, Z.; Chen, W.; Wang, L.; Liu, Y.; Wang, Y.; Du, X.; Pan, S.: Surface Engineering in SnO2/Si for High-Performance Broadband Photodetectors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(2): 3664–3672.

4.  Xing, G.; Chen, W.; Tang, H.; Chen, X.; Feng, B.; Li, H.; Sun, Z.; Wang, Y.; Du, X.; Liu, Y. :Al-Si contact formation involving back surface field and voids of PERC Solar Energy Materials & Solar cell, 245 (2022) 111866.

5. Y. Hou, H. Liang, A. Tang, X. Du and Z. Mei:Hot-electron photocurrent detection of near-infrared light based on ZnO

, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 063501 (2021).

6. Zhao, Y.; Liu, Y.; Chen, W.; Wu, J.; Chen, Q.; Tang, H.; Wang, Y.; Du, X.:Regulation of Surface Texturization through Copper-Assisted Chemical Etching for Silicon Solar Cells. Solar Energy 2020, 201, 461–468.

7. Wu, J.; Liu, Y.; Chen, W.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, Q.; Tang, H.; Wang, Y.; Du, X.:Influence of Different-Sized Inverted-Pyramids of Silicon Texture by Ag Manipulation on Solar Cell Performance. Applied Surface Science 2020, 506, 144778.

8. Chen, Q.; Liu, Y.; Tang, H.; Wang, Y.; Chen, W.; Wu, J.; Zhao, Y.; Du, X.:Optical Properties of Chain Inverted Pyramids on Silicon. Applied Optics 2020, 59 (7), 2065.

9. Chen, W.; Liu, Y.; Wu, J.; Chen, Q.; Zhao, Y.; Wang, Y.; Du, X.:High-Efficient Solar Cells Textured by Cu/Ag-Cocatalyzed Chemical Etching on Diamond Wire Sawing Multicrystalline Silicon. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2019, 11 (10), 10052–10058.

10. Huili Liang, Shujuan Cui, Rui Su, Pengfei Guan, Yuhang He, Lihong Yang, Liming Chen, Yonghui Zhang, Zengxia Mei, Xiaolong Du, Flexible X-ray detectors based on amorphous Ga2O3 thin films, ACS Photonics (2019)6, 351.

11. Hanbo Tang, Yaoping Liu, Quansheng Chen, Yan Wang, Wei Chen, Juntao Wu, Yan Zhao, and Xiaolong Du, Optical Design of Inverted Pyramid Textured PERC Solar Cells, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. (2019) 1, 2684-2691.

12. Wenxing Huo, Zengxia Mei, Yanxin Sui, Zuyin Han, Tao Wang, Huili Liang, and Xiaolong Du, Flexible Transparent InGaZnO Thin-Film Transistors on Muscovite Mica, IEEE T. Electron. Dev. (2019) 66, 2198-2201

13. Minju Ying, Ahmad M. A. Saeedi, Miaomiao Yuan, Xia Zhang, Bin Liao, Xu Zhang, Zengxia Mei, Xiaolong Du, Steve M. Heald, A. Mark Fox, and Gillian A. Gehring, Extremely large d0 magnetism in krypton implanted polar ZnO films, J. Mater. Chem. C (2019) 7, 1138-1145.

14. Yaonan Hou, Aihua Tang, Huili Liang, Zengxia Mei, and Xiaolong Du, Optical study of a two-level defect complex in gallium doped ZnO, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2019) 52, 275101.

15. Quansheng Chen, Yaoping Liu, Yan Wang, Wei Chen, Juntao Wu, Yan Zhao, and Xiaolong Du, Optical properties of a random inverted pyramid textured silicon surface studied by the ray tracing method, Sol. Energy (2019) 186, 392-397.

16. Wenxing Huo, Zengxia Mei, Yicheng Lu, Zuyin Han, Rui Zhu, Tao Wang, Yanxin Sui, Huili Liang, and Xiaolong Du, Effects of active layer thickness on performance and stability of dual-active-layer amorphous InGaZnO thin film transistors, Chin. Phys. B (2019) 8,087302.

17. Yan Zhao, Yaoping Liu, Quansheng Chen, Wei Chen, Juntao Wu, Yan Wang, Xiaolong Du, Broadband omnidirectional anti-reflection property of V-groove textured silicon, Sol. Energy (2019) 193, 132-138.

18. Huili Liang, Shujuan Cui, Wenxing Huo, Tao Wang, Yonghui Zhang, Baogang Quan, Xiaolong Du, Zengxia Mei, Direct ZnO X-Ray detector with tunable sensitivity, Chin. Phys. Lett. (2019) 36, 110701.

19. Wenxing Huo, Rui Zhu, Zengxia Mei, Zuyin Han, Tao Wang, Yanxin Sui, Huili Liang and Xiaolong Du, Dynamic Analysis of the Negative OFF-State Current in Thin-film Transistors, IEEE T. Electron. Dev. (2019) 66, 5162-5165.

20. Wei Chen, Yaoping Liu*, Lixia Yang, Juntao Wu, Quansheng Chen, Yan Zhao, Yan Wang, and Xiaolong Du*, Difference in anisotropic etching characteristics of alkaline and copper based acid solutions for single-crystalline Si, Sci. Rep. 8, 3408 (2018).

21. Wenxing Huo, Zengxia Mei, Aihua Tang, Huili Liang, and Xiaolong Du, Suppression of Na interstitials in Na-F codoped ZnO, J. Appl. Phys. (2018)123, 161403.

22. AiHua Tang, ZengXia Mei, YaoNan Hou, LiShu Liu, Venkatachalapathy Vishnukanthan, Alexander Azarov, Angrej Kuznetsov, and XiaoLong Du, GaZn-VZn acceptor complex defect in Ga-doped ZnO, Sci. China Phys. Mech, (2018)61, 077311.

23. Yonghui Zhang, Zengxia Mei, Wenxing Huo, Tao Wang, Huili Liang and Xiaolong Du, Self-aligned photolithography for the fabrication of fully transparent high-voltage devices, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. (2018) 51, 175102.

24. Yaonan Hou, Zengxia Mei, Aihua Tang, Huili Liang, and Xiaolong Du,Surface Plasmon Enhanced Emission From Defects in Gallium Doped ZnO, Phys. Status Solidi A (2018) 215, 1800037.

25. Shujuan Cui, Zengxia Mei, Yaonan Hou, Quansheng Chen, Huili Liang, Yonghui Zhang, Wenxing Huo, and Xiaolong Du: Enhanced photoresponse performance in Ga/Ga2O3 nanocomposite solar-blind ultraviolet photodetectors, Chin. Phys. B (2018) 27, 067301.

26. Shujuan Cui, Zengxia Mei, Yaonan Hou, Muhua Sun, Quansheng Chen,Huili Liang,Yonghui Zhang, Xuedong Bai, and Xiaolong Du: Surface plasmon enhanced solar-blind photoresponse of Ga2O3 film with Ga nanospheres, Sci. China Phys. Mech. (2018) 61, 107021.

27. Aihua Tang, Zengxia Mei, Wenxing Huo, and Xiaolong Du: Self-diffusion measurements in In2O3 isotopic heterostructures: Oxygen vacancy energetics, Sci. China Phys. Mech. (2018) 61, 117321.

28. Wenxing Huo, Zengxia Mei, Minglong Zhao, Yanxin Sui, Bin Zhao, Yonghui Zhang, Tao Wang, Shujuan Cui, Huili Liang, Haiqiang Jia, and Xiaolong Du: Flexible ZnO thin-film transistors on thin copper substrate, IEEE T. Electron Dev. (2018) 9, 3791-3795.

29. Yonghui Zhang, Zengxia Mei, Wenxing Huo, Tao Wang, Huili Liang, Xiaolong Du: Self-aligned photolithography for the fabrication of flexible transparent high-voltage thin film transistors, diodes and inverters, Microelectron. Eng. (2018) 199, 92-95.

30. Juntao Wu, Yaoping Liu, Quansheng Chen, Wei Chen, Lixia Yang, Yan Wang, Meiliang He, Xiaolong Du: The orientation and optical properties of inverted-pyramid-like structures on multi-crystalline silicon textured by Cu-assisted chemical etching, Sol. Energy, (2018), 171, 675-680.

31. Aihua Tang, Zengxia Mei, Yaonan Hou, Xiaolong Du: Photodynamics of GaZn-VZn complex defect in Ga-doped ZnO, Chin. Phys. B (2018) 27, 117802.

32. Wenxing Huo, Zengxia Mei*, Aihua Tang, Huili Liang, and Xiaolong Du*, Suppression of Na interstitials in Na-F codoped ZnO, J. Appl. Phys. 123, 161403 (2018).

33. Yan Wang, Yaoping Liu, Lixia Yang, Wei Chen, Xiaolong Du, and Andrej Kuznetsov, Micro-structured inverted pyramid texturization of Si inspired by self-assembled Cu nanoparticles, Nanoscale 9, 907-914 (2017)








