







过去在研究阻挫磁性材料和非常规超导体等体系的电子结构、磁有序、自旋动力学过程和磁畴演化等方面做出了一系列有重要影响力的原创工作。到目前为止已发表SCI论文30余篇,其中以第一作者发表Nature 1篇,Nature Communications 2篇,Physical Review X (PRX) 2篇、Physical Review Letters (PRL) 2篇(PRX和PRL皆为共同通讯);另以共同第一作者发表Nature Communications 2篇,PRL 1篇。主要成果包括: (1) 在二维稀土材料中观测到了分数化的自旋子连续谱激发,为量子自旋液体的建立提供了强有力的实验证据;(2) 在二维材料中观测到一维量子自旋液体行为,从而提出用一维链构建高维量子无序态;(3) 在实验上实现三角格子横场伊辛模型,并发现耦合的偶极矩和多极矩序;(4) 在实验上确立了镍基超导体的电子结构和多带描述;(5) 揭示铁基超导体磁性相互作用及条纹磁涨落的共通性;(6) 确立电荷序在二价镍氧化物条纹序形成过程中的主导作用。


完整列表请参考:Google scholar, ORCID


  1. Yao Shen, Yao-Dong Li, Hongliang Wo, Yuesheng Li, Shoudong Shen, Bingying Pan, Qisi Wang, H. C. Walker, P. Steffens, M. Boehm, Yiqing Hao, D. L. Quintero-Castro, L. W. Harriger, M. D. Frontzek, Lijie Hao, Siqin Meng, Qingming Zhang, Gang Chen*, and Jun Zhao*, Evidence for a spinon Fermi surface in a triangular-lattice quantum-spin-liquid candidate, Nature 540, 559-562 (2016).
  2. Y. Shen*, J. Sears, G. Fabbris, J. Li, J. Pelliciari, M. Mitrano, W. He, Junjie Zhang, J. F. Mitchell, V. Bisogni, M. R. Norman, S. Johnston, and M. P. M. Dean*, Electronic character of charge order in square-planar low-valence nickelates, Physical Review X 13, 011021 (2023).
  3. Y. Shen*, J. Sears, G. Fabbris, J. Li, J. Pelliciari, I. Jarrige, Xi He, I. Bozovic, M. Mitrano, Junjie Zhang, J. F. Mitchell, A. S. Botana, V. Bisogni, M. R. Norman, S. Johnston, and M. P. M. Dean*, Role of oxygen states in the low valence nickelate La4Ni3O8, Physical Review X 12, 011055 (2022).
  4. Y. Shen*, J. Sears, G. Fabbris, A. Weichselbaum, W. Yin, H. Zhao, D. G. Mazzone, H. Miao, M. H. Upton, D. Casa, R. Acevedo-Esteves, C. Nelson, A. M. Barbour, C. Mazzoli, G. Cao, and M. P. M. Dean*, Emergence of spinons in layered trimer iridate Ba4Ir3O10, Physical Review Letters 129, 207201 (2022).
  5. Y. Shen*, G. Fabbris, H. Miao, Y. Cao, D. Meyers, D. G. Mazzone, T. A. Assefa, X. M. Chen, K. Kisslinger, D. Prabhakaran, A. T. Boothroyd, J. M. Tranquada, W. Hu, A. M. Barbour, S. B. Wilkins, C. Mazzoli, I. K. Robinson, and M. P. M. Dean*, Charge condensation and lattice coupling drives stripe formation in nickelates, Physical Review Letters 126, 177601 (2021).
  6. Yao Shen, Changle Liu, Yayuan Qin, Shoudong Shen, Yao-Dong Li, Robert Bewley, Astrid Schneidewind, Gang Chen*, and Jun Zhao*, Intertwined dipolar and multipolar order in the triangular-lattice magnet TmMgGaO4, Nature Communications 10, 4530 (2019).
  7. Yao Shen, Yao-Dong Li, H. C. Walker, P. Steffens, M. Boehm, Xiaowen Zhang, Shoudong Shen, Hongliang Wo, Gang Chen*, and Jun Zhao*, Fractionalized excitations in the partially magnetized spin liquid candidate YbMgGaO4, Nature Communications 9, 4138 (2018).
  8. Bingying Pan#, Yao Shen#, Die Hu, Yu Feng, J. T. Park, A. D. Christianson, Qisi Wang, Yiqing Hao, Hongliang Wo, Zhiping Yin, T. A. Maier, and Jun Zhao*, Structure of spin excitations in heavily electron-doped Li0.8Fe0.2ODFeSe superconductors, Nature Communications 8, 123 (2017).
  9. Qisi Wang#, Yao Shen#, Bingying Pan#, Xiaowen Zhang, K. Ikeuchi, K. Iida, A. D. Christianson, H. C. Walker, D. T. Adroja, M. Abdel-Hafiez, Xiaojia Chen, D. A. Chareev, A. N. Vasiliev, and Jun Zhao*, Magnetic ground state of FeSe, Nature Communications 7, 12182 (2016).
  10. Hongliang Wo#, Qisi Wang#, Yao Shen#, Xiaowen Zhang, Yiqing Hao, Yu Feng, Shoudong Shen, Zheng He, Bingying Pan, Wenbin Wang, K. Nakajima, S. Ohira-Kawamura, P. Steffens, M. Boehm, K. Schmalzl, T. R. Forrest, M. Matsuda, Yang Zhao, J. W. Lynn, Zhiping Yin, and Jun Zhao*, Coexistence of ferromagnetic and stripe-type antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in YFe2Ge2, Physical Review Letters 122, 217003 (2019).
  11. Yayuan Qin#, Yao Shen#, Changle Liu, Hongliang Wo, Yonghao Gao, Yu Feng, Xiaowen Zhang, Gaofeng Ding, Yiqing Gu, Qisi Wang, Shoudong Shen, Helen C. Walker, Robert Bewley, Jianhui Xu, Martin Boehm, Paul Steffens, Seiko Ohira-Kawamura, Naoki Murai, Astrid Schneidewind, Xin Tong, and Jun Zhao*, Field-tuned quantum effects in a triangular-lattice Ising magnet, Science Bulletin 67, 38-44 (2022).
  12. Qisi Wang, Yao Shen, Bingying Pan, Yiqing Hao, Mingwei Ma, Fang Zhou, P. Steffens, K. Schmalzl, T. R. Forrest, M. Abdel-Hafiez, Xiaojia Chen, D. A. Chareev, A. N. Vasiliev, P. Bourges, Y. Sidis, Huibo Cao, and Jun Zhao*, Strong interplay between stripe spin fluctuations, nematicity and superconductivity in FeSe, Nature Materials 15, 159 (2016).
  13. W. He*, Y. Shen, K. Wohlfeld, J. Sears, J. Li, J. Pelliciari, M. Walicki, S. Johnston, E. Baldini, V. Bisogni, M. Mitrano, and M. P. M. Dean*, Magnetically propagating Hund’s exciton in van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS3, Nature Communications 15, 3496 (2024).
  14. D. G. Mazzone*, Y. Shen, H. Suwa, G. Fabbris, J. Yang, S-S. Zhang, H. Miao, J. Sears, Ke Jia, Y. Shi, M. H. Upton, D. M. Casa, X. Liu, J. Liu, C. D. Batista, and M. P. M. Dean*, Antiferromagnetic excitonic insulator state in Sr3Ir2O7, Nature Communications 13, 913 (2022).
  15. Longlong Wu*, Yao Shen, Claudio Mazzoli, Andi M. Barbour, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, Andrew T. Boothroyd, Wei Wang, John M. Tranquada, Mark P. M. Dean, and Ian K. Robinson*, Real space imaging of spin stripe domain fluctuations in a complex oxide, Physical Review Letters 127, 275301 (2021).
  16. Jun Zhao*, Yao Shen, R. J. Birgeneau, Miao Gao, Zhong-Yi Lu, D.-H. Lee, X. Z. Lu, H. J. Xiang, D. L. Abernathy, and Y. Zhao, Neutron scattering measurements of spatially anisotropic magnetic exchange interactions in semiconducting K0.85Fe1.54Se2 (TN=280 K), Physical Review Letters 112, 177002 (2014).






