

男,1972年出生于湖北浠水。1995年于北京师范大学物理系获学士学位,1998年于北京师范大学物理系获硕士学位,2001年于中国科学院理论物理所获博士学位。2001年至2003年在清华大学高等研究中心,2003年至2004年在中科院理论物理所,2004年至2006年在乔治亚理工大学物理系从事博士后研究工作。 2006年8月加入中国科学院物理研究所。现为中国科学院物理所研究员,博士生导师。


1.  量子信息和量子计算;
2.  量子物理;
3.  量子机器学习。





1.  Liu, C. L. and Zhou, D. L.
Catalyst-assisted probabilistic coherence distillation for mixed states
Phys. Rev. A 101, 012303 (2020)

2.  Bei Zeng and Xie Chen and Duan-Lu Zhou and Xiao-Gang Wen
Quantum information meets quantum matter:
        From quantum entanglement to topological phases of many-body systems
Springer 2019

3. Liu, C. L. and Zhou, D. L.
Deterministic Coherence Distillation
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 070402 (2019)

4.  Song, Hai-Jing and Song, Tieling and He, Qi-Kai and Liu, Yang and Zhou, D. L.
Geometry and symmetry in the quantum Boltzmann machine
Phys. Rev. A 99, 042307 (2019)

5. Zheng An and D. L. Zhou
Deep reinforcement learning for quantum gate control
EPL 126, 60002 (2019)

6. He, Qi-Kai and Zhou, Duan-Lu
Tunable coupling between a superconducting resonator and an artificial atom
EPJD 73, 96 (2019)

7. S. Lu,  S. Huang, K. Li, J. Li,  J. Chen,  D. Lu,  Z. Ji,  Y. Shen, D. Zhou,  and B. Zeng
Separability-entanglement classifier via machine learning
Phys. Rev. A 98, 012315 (2018) 

8. Qi-Kai He Wei Zhu, Z. W. & Zhou, D. L.
Single-photon scattering with counter rotating wave interaction
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., 2017, 50, 145002

9. Wei Zhu, P. Z. & Zhou, D.
Configuration-dependent reflection induced by dissipated localized modes
Eur. Phys. Lett., 2017, 117, 44003

10. Xing Chen, Xueyuan Hu & Zhou, D. L.
Entanglement witness game
Phys. Rev. A, 2017, 95, 052326

11. Chen, J.-Y., Ji, Z., Liu, Z.-X., Qi, X., Yu, N., Zeng, B. & Zhou, D.
Physical origins of ruled surfaces on the reduced density matrices geometry
Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron., 2017, 60, 020311

12. Liu, Y., Zeng, B. & Zhou, D. L.
Irreducible many-body correlations in topologically ordered systems
New J. Phys., 2016, 18, 023024

13. Tieling Song and D.L. Zhou
Hysteresis in a superfluid atom circuit
Annals of Physics, 2016, 372, 553

14. Chen, L. & Zhou, D. L.
Graph states of prime-power dimension from generalized CNOT quantum circuit
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 27135

15. Zeng, B. & Zhou, D. L.
Topological and error-correcting properties for symmetry-protected topological order
Eur. Phys. Lett., 2016, 113, 56001

16. Zhu, W., Xiao, X., Zhou, D.-L. & Zhang, P.
Single-photon scattering by two separated atoms in a supercavity
Chinese Phys. B, 2016, 25, 064203

17. Fang, Y.-N., Dong, G.-H., Zhou, D.-L. & Sun, C.-P.
Quantification of Symmetry
Commun. Theor. Phys., 2016, 65, 423

18. Chen, J., Ji, Z., Li, C.-K., Poon, Y.-T., Shen, Y., Yu, N., Zeng, B. & Zhou, D.
Discontinuity of maximum entropy inference and quantum phase transitions
New J. Phys., 2015, 17, 083019

19. Liu, Y. & Zhou, D.
Transfer of an arbitrary photon state along a cavity array without initialization
New J. Phys., 2015, 17, 013032

20. Liu, Y. & Zhou, D. L.
Quantum state transfer along a ring with time-reversal asymmetry
Phys. Rev. A, 2015, 91, 052318

21. Guo, Y., Wang, Z. H. & Zhou, D. L.
Dissipative dynamics of a spin in a spin environment with non-uniform coupling
Eur. Phys. J. D, 2014, 68, 110

22. Z.H. Wang, Y.J. Ji, Y. Li, and D.L Zhou
Dissipation and decoherence induced by collective dephasing in a coupled-qubit system with a common bath,
Phys. Rev. A, 91, 013838 (2015)

23. W. Zhu, Z.H. Wang, and D.L. Zhou
Multimode effects in cavity QED based on a one-dimensional cavity array,
Phys. Rev. A, 90, 043828 (2014)

24. Yang Liu and D.L. Zhou
Optimized quantum state transfer through an XY spin chain,
Phys. Rev. A, 89, 062301 (2014).

25. Z.H. Wang and D.L. Zhou
Quasidark state and quantum interference in the Jaynes-Cummings model with  
a common bath
Phys. Rev. A, 89, 013809 (2014)

26. Y. Guo, Z.H. Wang, and D.L. Zhou
Dissipative dynamics of a spin in a spin environment with non-uniform
Eur. Phys. J. D, 68 110 (2014)

27. D.L. Zhou
Efficient Numerical Algorithm on Irreducible Multiparty Correlations
Commun. Theor. Phys., 67 187 (2014)


1.  基于机器学习的多体量子态的分类和表征
2.  容错的量子传态理论研究
3.  拓扑量子物态和拓扑量子相变研究
4.  耦合多量子比特和谐振腔的制备和研究






