

潘新宇,1997年在俄罗斯莫斯科大学物理系获得硕士学位,2000年在俄罗斯莫斯科大学物理系获得博士学位,2000至2002年在北京大学物理系进行博士后研究,2002至2005年任美国University of Iowa物理系research scholar,2006年8月回国进入固态量子信息与计算实验室,现为研究员,博士生导师。


主要研究方向:开展基于金刚石的量子计算和信息处理实验研究:1. 基于金刚石中氮空位中心的量子计算和信息处理研究;2. 超导量子比特与金刚石氮空位中心结合,实现量子信息存储;3. 纳米金刚石颗粒进行弱磁场探测及温度探测。


建立了以金刚石氮空位中心量子调控为研究方向的实验系统,共搭建完成两套室温激光扫描共聚焦荧光显微系统和一套低温显微系统,开展了一系列以金刚石氮空位中心结构为主体的量子信息与计算研究。发展了高空间分辨的激光共聚焦扫描显微镜系统,探测到金刚石晶体内的单个氮空位中心,测量了单个中心的电子自旋共振谱和ODMR谱线,实现室温下单个电子自旋的Rabi振荡。国际上首次提出并用动力学解耦技术实现具有相干性自保护功能的CNOT门,室温下观测到核自旋环境可控的量子涨落效应,以及进行了室温下固态体系中最优化相位量子克隆机的演示,目前在国际核心期刊Nature Communications, Nanoscale, Scientific Reports, Applied Physics Letters, Physica B, Journal of Applied Physics, Physical Review B等共发表论文27篇。曾应邀在多次国际学术会议上作邀请报告。主持或作为骨干成员承担了国家自然科学基金委面上项目基金、科技部973重大研究计划、中国科学院知识创新工程等多项科研项目。


(* 为通讯作者文章)
1. Liu GQ, Po HC, Du JF, Liu RB, Pan XY* “Noise-resilient quantum evolution steered by dynamical decoupling”, Nature Communications, 4, 2254 (2013).
2. Liu GQ, Jiang QQ, Chang YC, Liu DQ, Li WX, Gu CZ, Po HC, Zhang WX, Zhao N, Pan XY* “Protection of centre spin coherence by dynamic nuclear spin polarization in diamond”, Nanoscale 6, 10134 (2014).
3. Chang YC, Liu GQ, Liu DQ, Fan H, Pan XY* “Room-temperature quantum cloning machine with full coherent phase control in nanodiamond”, Scientific Reports 3, 1498 (2013).
4. Liu GQ, Pan XY*, Jiang ZF, Zhao N, Liu RB “Controllable effects of quantum fluctuations on spin free-induction decay at room temperature”, Scientific Reports 2, 432 (2012).
5. Chang YC, Xing J, Zhang FH, Liu GQ, Jiang QQ, Li WX, Gu CZ, Long GL, Pan XY*. Band-selective shaped pulse for high fidelity quantum control in diamond. Applied Physics Letters, 104, 262403 (2014).
6. Pan XY*, Liu GQ, Yang LL, Fan H “Solid-state optimal phase-covariant quantum cloning machine”, Applied Physics Letters 99, 051113 (2011).
7. Liu DQ, Liu GQ, Chang YQ, Pan XY*. Scaling of dynamical decoupling for a single electron spin in nanodiamonds at room temperature. Physica B 432, 84-88 (2014).
8. Liu DQ, Chang YQ, Liu GQ, Pan XY* “Electron spin studies of nitrogen vacancy centers in nanodiamonds”, Acta Phys. Sin. 62, 164208 (2013).
9. Hu X, Liu DQ, Pan XY* “Nuclear spin induced collapse and revival shape of Rabi oscillations of a single electron spin in diamond”, Chinese Physics B 20, 117801 (2011).
10. Hu X, Liu GQ, Xu ZC, Pan XY* “Influence of microwave detuning on Ramsey fringes of a single nitrogen vacancy center spin in diamond”, Chinese Physics Letters 29, 024210 (2012).
11. Yang Lili, Liu Gangqin, Pan Xinyu*, Chen Dongmin “Design and Application of a Near Field Microwave Antenna for the Spin Control of Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers”, Chinese Physics Letters 27, 038401 (2010).
12. Jiang QQ, Liu DQ, Liu GQ, Chang YC, Li WX, Pan XY, Gu CZ*. Focused-ion-beam overlay-patterning of 3D diamond structures for advanced single-photon properties. Journal of Applied Physics 116, 044308 (2014).
13. Zhang PJ, Meng Y, Liu ZY, Pan XY, Liang XJ, Chen DM, Zhao HW “Influences of dislocation distribution on the resistive switching effect of Ag-SiO2 thin films”, Acta Phys. Sin. 61, 107703 (2012).
14. Liu ZY, Zhang PJ, Meng Y, Tian HF, Li JQ, Pan XY, Liang XJ, Chen DM, Zhao HW “Effect of TaOx thickness on the resistive switching of Ta/Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Pt films”, Applied Physics Letters 100, 143506 (2012).
15. Zhang PJ, Meng Y, Liu ZY, Li D, Su T, Meng QY, Mao Q, Pan XY, Chen DM, Zhao HW “Impact of interfacial resistance switching on thermoelectric effect of Nb-doped SrTiO3 single crystalline”, Journal of Applied Physics 111, 063702 (2012).
16.  Meng Y, Zhang PJ, Liu ZY, Liao ZL, Pan XY, Liang XJ, Zhao HW, Chen DM “Enhanced resistance switching stability of transparent ITO/TiO2/ITO sandwiches”, Chinese Physics B 19, 037304 (2010).






Email: xypan@aphy.iphy.ac.cn




