

2001年在武汉理工大学材料学院获硕士学位,2004年中科院物理研究所获博士学位。曾先后到德国Max-Planck固体研究所做博士后和Principal researcher(2004-2007),美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校从事博士后研究(2007-2008)。现为中科院物理研究所研究员,博士生导师,在E01组工作。




1. 出版《钠离子电池科学与技术》专著一本
2. 发现Cu2+/Cu3+氧化还原电对在钠离子氧化物中具有电化学活性,并以此设计系列不含Ni/Co空气中稳定性好的低成本氧化物正极材料
3. 提出无烟煤作为前驱体制备低成本无定形碳负极材料,并研制出容量大于400 mAh/g兼顾高首效的碳负极材料
4. 提出新型高盐/低盐浓度电解质体系
5. 提出利用阳离子势来预测层状氧化物相结构的方法
6. 2018年6月推出了全球首辆钠离子电池微型电动车
7. 2019年3月发布了全球首座100 kWh钠离子电池储能电站
8. 2021年6月启用全球首套1 MWh钠离子电池光储充智能微网系统

在Science、Nature Energy、Nature Mater.、Joule、Nature Commun.、Science Adv.、ACS Energy Letters、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Energy Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Energy Storage Materials、J. Mater. Chem. A、 Energy & Environ. Sci.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、JACS、Nano Letters等国际重要学术期刊上共合作发表论文200余篇,引用30000余次,H-因子90,连续7年入选科睿唯安 “高被引科学家”名录。合作申请60余项中国发明专利、5项国际发明专利、已授权40项专利(包括美国、日本、欧盟等5项)。目前担任ACS Energy Letters杂志资深编辑及多个专业杂志的审稿人,例如Nature, Science, Nature Energy, Joule, Nature Commun., PNAS, Science Adv.、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Energy Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Energy Storage Materials, J. Mater. Chem. A, Energy & Environ. Sci., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., JACS, Nano Letters, Nano Energy等。 

Dr. Hu has published over 200 internationally refereed publications. His papers have been cited over 30000 times according to ISI web of science with an H-index of 90. He also holds 40 patents in new materials for high-performance sodium- (lithium-) ion batteries. He is the Senior Editor of ACS Energy Letters. The referee for Nature, Science, Nature Energy, Joule, Nature Commun., PNAS, Science Adv.、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Energy Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Energy Storage Materials, J. Mater. Chem. A, Energy & Environ. Sci., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., JACS, Nano Letters, Nano Energy, etc.

20. 2020年获得科创中国·科技创新创业大赛TOP10(钠离子电池)
19. 2020年获得中关村国际前沿科技创新大赛总决赛亚军(钠离子电池)
18. 2019年获得中国科学院北京分院科技成果转化特等奖(钠离子电池)
17. 2019年储能技术创新典范TOP10”和“评委会大奖” (钠离子电池)
16. 2018年获得中国科学院优秀导师奖
15. 2017年获得国家杰出青年基金
14. 2017年入选第三批国家科技创新领军人才
13. 2016年获得第十四届中国青年科技奖
12. 2016年入选科技部中青年科技创新领军人才
11. 2016年入选英国物理学会会士“Fellow of The Institute of Physics (UK)”
10. 2015年入选英国皇家化学学会会士“Fellow of The Royal Society of Chemistry”
9.  2015年获得国际电化学学会 Tajima Prize
8.  2015年获得英国皇家学会的Newton Advanced Fellowships (牛顿高级学者基金)
7.  2015年获得茅以升科学技术奖--北京青年科技奖
6.  2014年获中国物理学会2014年度“最有影响力论文奖”一等奖
5.  2013年获得第十届中国硅酸盐学会青年科技奖
4.  2013年获得中国电化学青年奖
3.  2013年发表的2篇论文入选2013年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文
2.  2012年获得首届国家优秀青年基金
1.  2012年获得中科院物理所科技新人奖


70. Zhao, C.; Wang, Q.; Yao, Z.; Wang, J.; Lengeling, B.; Ding, F.; Qi, X.; Lu, Y. X.*; Bai, X.; Li, B.; Li, H.; Aspuru-Guzik, A.*; Huang, X.; Delmas, C.*; Wagemaker, M.*; Chen, L., Yong-Sheng Hu*
Rational design of layered oxide materials for sodium-ion batteries
Science 370, 708-711, 2020.

69. Ding, F.;  Zhao, C.;  Zhou, D.;  Meng, Q.;  Xiao, D.;  Zhang, Q.;  Niu, Y.;  Li, Y.;  Rong, X.*;  Lu, Y. X.*;  Chen, L.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
A Novel Ni-rich O3-NaNi0.60Fe0.25Mn0.15O2 Cathode for Na-ion Batteries
Energy Storage Materials 30, 420-430, 2020.

68. Li, Y.;  Yang, Y.; Lu, Y. X.*;  Zhou, Q.;  Qi, X.;  Meng, Q.; Rong, X.; Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Ultralow-Concentration Electrolyte for Na-Ion Batteries
ACS Energy Letters 5, 1156-1158, 2020.

67. Zhao, C.;  Yao, Z.;  Wang, Q.;  Li, H.;  Wang, J.;  Liu, M.;  Ganapathy, S.;  Lu, Y. X.;  Cabana, J.;  Li, B.;  Bai, X.;  Aspuru-Guzik, A.;  Wagemaker, M.*;  Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Revealing High Na-Content P2-Type Layered Oxides as Advanced Sodium-Ion Cathodes
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142, 5742-5750, 2020.

66. Zhao, C. L.;  Ding, F. X.;  Lu, Y. X.*;  Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
High-Entropy Layered Oxide Cathodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 59, 264-269, 2020.

65. Jiang, L. W.;  Liu, L. L.;  Yue, J. M.;  Zhang, Q. Q.;  Zhou, A. X.;  Borodin, O.;  Suo, L. M.;  Li, H.;  Chen, L. Q.;  Xu, K.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
High-Voltage Aqueous Na-Ion Battery Enabled by Inert-Cation-Assisted Water-in-Salt Electrolyte
Advanced Materials 32, 1904427, 2020.

64. Yong-Sheng Hu*; Lu, Y. X.
2019 Nobel Prize for the Li-Ion Batteries and New Opportunities and Challenges in Na-Ion Batteries
ACS Energy Letters 4, 2689-2690, 2019. (EDITORIAL)

63. Meng, Q. S.;  Lu, Y. X.*;  Ding, F. X.;  Zhang, Q. Q.;  Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Tuning the Closed Pore Structure of Hard Carbons with the Highest Na Storage Capacity
ACS Energy Letters 4 , 2608-2612, 2019.

62. Zhao, C. L.;  Yao, Z. P.;  Wang, J. L.;  Lu, Y. X.*;  Bai, X. D.;  Aspuru-Guzik, A.*;  Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Ti Substitution Facilitating Oxygen Oxidation in Na2/3Mg1/3Ti1/6Mn1/2O2 Cathode
Chem 5, 2913-2925, 2019.

61. Li, Y.;  Lu, Y. X.*;  Adelhelm, P.*;  Titirici, M. M.*; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Intercalation chemistry of graphite: alkali metal ions and beyond
Chemical Society Reviews 2019, 48, 4655-4687, 2019.

60. Zhang, Z. Z.;  Zou, Z. Y.;  Kaup, K.;  Xiao, R. J.;  Shi, S. Q.*;  Avdeev, M.*;  Yong-Sheng Hu*;  Wang, D.;  He, B.;  Li, H.;  Huang, X. J.;  Nazar, L. F.*; Chen, L. Q.
Correlated Migration Invokes Higher Na+-Ion Conductivity in NaSICON-Type Solid Electrolytes
Advanced Energy Materials  9, 1902373, 2019.

59. Liu, L. L.;  Qi, X. G.;  Yin, S. J.;  Zhang, Q. Q.;  Liu, X. Z.;  Suo, L. M.;  Li, H.;  Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
In Situ Formation of a Stable Interface in Solid-State Batteries
ACS Energy Letters 4, 1650-1657, 2019.

58. Jiang, L.; Lu, Y. X.*; Zhao, C.; Liu, L.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Q.; Shen, X.; Zhao, J.; Yu, X.; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Building aqueous K-ion batteries for energy storage 
Nature Energy, 4, 495-503, 2019.

57. Yong-Sheng Hu*; Komaba, S.*; Forsyth, M.*; Johnson, C.*; Rojo, T.*
A New Emerging Technology: Na-Ion Batteries
Small Methods, 3, 1900184, 2019. (SPECIAL ISSUE: EDITORIAL)

56. Rojo, T.*;Yong-Sheng Hu*; Forsyth, M.*; Li, X.* 
Sodium-Ion Batteries
Advanced Energy Materials, 8, 1800880, 2018. (SPECIAL ISSUE: EDITORIAL)

55. Qi, Y.; Lu, Y. X.*; Ding, F.; Zhang, Q.;Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Slope-Dominated Carbon Anode with High Specific Capacity and Superior Rate Capability for High Safety Na-Ion Batteries
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 58, 4361-4365, 2019.

54. Zheng, Y.; Lu, Y. X.*; Qi, X.; Wang, Y.; Mu, L.; Li, Y.; Ma, Q.; Li, J.*; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Superior electrochemical performance of sodium-ion full-cell using poplar wood derived hard carbon anode
Energy Storage Materials, 18, 269-279, 2019.

53. Rong, X.; Hu, E.; Lu, Y. X.; Meng, F.; Zhao, C.; Wang, X.; Zhang, Q.; Yu, X.*; Gu, L.*; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Yang, X.-Q.; Delmas, C.; Chen, L. Q.
Anionic Redox Reaction-Induced High-Capacity and Low-Strain Cathode with Suppressed Phase Transition
Joule, 3, 503-517, 2019.

52. Qi, Y.; Tong, Z.; Zhao, J. M.*; Ma, L.; Wu, T.P.; Liu, H.; Yang, C.; Lu, J.*; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Scalable Room-Temperature Synthesis of Multi-shelled Na3(VOPO4)2F Microsphere Cathodes
Joule, 2, 2348-2363, 2018.

51. Lu, Y. X.; Zhao, C.; Qi, X.; Qi, Y.; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
Pre-Oxidation-Tuned Microstructures of Carbon Anodes Derived from Pitch for Enhancing Na Storage Performance
Advanced Energy Materials, 8, 1800108, 2018.

50. Zhao, C.; Wang, Q.; Lu, Y. X.* ; Li, B.H.; Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*;
High-temperature treatment induced carbon anode with ultrahigh Na storage capacity at low-voltage plateau
Science Bulletin, 63, 1125-1129, 2018.

49. Jiang, L.; Lu, Y. X.* ; Wang, Y.S.; Liu, L.; Qi, X.; Zhao, C.; Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*;
A high-temperature β-phase NaMnO2 stabilized by Cu doping and its Na storage properties
Chinese Physics Letters, 35, 048801, 2018.

48. Zhao, C. L.; Lu, Y. X.*; Yue, J. M.; Pan, D.; Qi, Y. R.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Chen, L. Q. 
Advanced Na metal anodes 
Journal of Energy Chemistry, 27, 1584-1596, 2018.

47. Zhao, C. L.; Avdeev, M.; Chen, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*
An O3-type Oxide with Low Sodium Content as the Phase-Transition-Free Anode for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 57, 7056-7060, 2018.

46. Zhao, C.; Liu, L.; Qi, X.; Lu, Y. X.*; Wu, F.; Zhao, J.M.; Yu, Y.*; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Chen, L. Q.
Solid-State Sodium Batteries
Advanced Energy Materials, 8, 1703012, 2018.

45. Rong, X.; Liu, J.; Hu, E.; Liu, Y.; Wang, Y.; Wu, J.; Yu, X.*; Page, K.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Yang, W.; Li, H.; Yang, X. Q.; Chen, L.; Huang, X.
Structure-Induced Reversible Anionic Redox Activity in Na Layered Oxide Cathode
Joule, 2, 125–140, 2018.

44. Yu, J.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Pan, F.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, Q.; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, L.
A class of liquid anode for rechargeable batteries with ultralong cycle life
Nature Communications 8, 14629, 2017.

43. Li, Y.; Lu, Y. X.; Zhao, C.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Titirici, M.-M.*; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, L. 
Recent advances of electrode materials for low-cost sodium-ion batteries towards practical application for grid energy storage
Energy Storage Materials 7, 130-151, 2017. 

42. Yong-Sheng Hu*
Batteries: getting solid
Nature Energy, 1, 16042, 2016.

41. Li, Y.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Qi, X.; Rong, X.; Li, H.; Huang, X.; Chen, L.
Advanced sodium-ion batteries using superior low cost pyrolyzed anthracite anode: towards practical applications
Energy Storage Materials, 5, 191-197, 2016.

40. Mu, L.; Xu, S.; Li, Y.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Li, H.; Chen, L.; Huang, X.
Prototype sodium-ion batteries using air-stable and Co/Ni-free O3-layered metal oxide cathode
Advanced Materials,  27, 6928-6933, 2015.

39. Li, Y.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Li, H.; Chen, L.; Huang, X.
A superior low-cost amorphous carbon anode made from pitch and lignin for sodium-ion batteries
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 96-104, 2016.

38. Li, Y.; Mu, L.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Li, H.; Chen, L.; Huang, X.
Pitch-derived amorphous carbon as high performance anode for sodium-ion batteries
Energy Storage Materials, 2, 139-145, 2016.

37. Xu, S.; Wang, Y.; Ben, L; Lyu, Y.; Song, N.; Yang, Z.; Li, Y.; Mu, L. Q.; Yang, H. T.*; Gu, L.*; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Li, H.; Cheng, Z.-H.; Chen, L.; Huang, X.
Fe-based Tunnel-type Na0.61[Mn0.27Fe0.34Ti0.39]O2 Designed by A New Strategy as Cathode Material for Sodium-ion Batteries
Advanced Energy Materials, 5, 1501156, 2015.

36. Wang, Y.; Mu, L. Q.; Liu, J.; Yang, Z.; Xu, S.;Yu, X.*; Gu, L.*; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Li, H.; Yang, X.-Q.; Chen, L.; Huang, X.
A novel high capacity positive electrode material with tunnel-type structure for aqueous sodium-ion batteries
Advanced Energy Materials, 5, 1501005, 2015.

35. Wang, Y.; Liu, J.; Lee, B.; Qiao, R.; Yang, Z.; Xu, S.; Yu, X.*; Gu, L.*; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Yang, W.; Kang, K.; Li, H.; Yang, X.-Q.; Chen, L.; Huang, X.
Ti-substituted tunnel-type Na0.44MnO2 oxide as a negative electrode for aqueous sodium-ion batteries
Nature Communications 6, 6401, 2015.

34. Wang, Y.; Xiao, R.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Avdeev, M.*; Chen, L.
P2-Na0.6[Cr0.6Ti0.4]O2 cation-disordered electrode for high-rate symmetric rechargeable sodium-ion batteries
Nature Communications 6, 6954, 2015.

33. Wu, X. Y.; Jin, S. F.; Zhang, Z. Z.; Jiang, L. W.; Mu, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Li, H.; Chen, X. L.; Armand, M.; Chen, L.; Huang, X.
Unraveling the storage mechanism in organic carbonyl electrodes for sodium-ion batteries
Science Advances 1, e1500330, 2015.

32. Li, Y. M.; Yang, Z.; Xu, S.; Mu, L.; Gu, L.*; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Li, H.; Chen, L. Q.
Air-Stable Copper-Based P2-Na7/9Cu2/9Fe1/9Mn2/3O2 as a New Positive Electrode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Advanced Science, 2, 1500031, 2015.

31. Mu, L. Q.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Chen, L. Q.
New layered metal oxides as positive electrode materials for room-temperature sodium-ion batteries
Chinese Physics B 24, 038202, 2015.

30. Xu, S.-Y.; Wu, X.-Y.; Li, Y.-M.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Chen, L.-Q.
Novel copper redox-based cathode materials for room-temperature sodium-ion batteries
Chinese Physics B 23, 118202, 2014.

29. Ma, J.; Fang, Z.; Yan, Y.; Yang, Z.; Gu, L.; Yong-Sheng Hu*; Li, H.; Wang, Z; Huang, X.
Novel Large-Scale Synthesis of C/S Nanocomposite with Mixed Conducting Networks through Spray Drying Approach for Li–S Batteries
Advanced Energy Materials 5, 1500046,  2015.

28. Y. M. Li, S. Y. Xu, X. Y. Wu, J. Z. Yu, Y. S. Wang, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, L. Q. Chen and X. J. Huang
Amorphous monodispersed hard carbon micro-spherules derived from biomass as a high performance negative electrode material for sodium-ion batteries
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 71-77, 2015.

27. L. Zhao, X. Q. Yu, J. Z. Yu, Y. N. Zhou, S. N. Ehrlich, Yong-Sheng Hu*, D. Su,* H. Li, X. Q. Yang* and L. Q. Chen
Remarkably improved electrode performance of bulk MnS by forming a solid solution with FeS and Li storage mechanism
Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 5557-5566, 2014.

26. B. Guo,* X. Q. Yu, M. F. Chi, Z. A. Qiao, J. Liu, Yong-Sheng Hu*, X. Q. Yang, J. B. Goodenough and S. Dai,*
A long-life lithium-ion battery with highly porous TiNb2O7 anode for large-scale electrical energy storage
Energy & Environmental Science, 7, 2220-2226, 2014.

25. Z. L. Jian, C. C. Yuan, W. Z. Han, X. Lu, L. Gu,* X. K. Xi,* Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, W. Chen, D.F. Chen, Y. Ikuhara and L. Q. Chen
Atomic Structure and Kinetics of NASICON NaxV2(PO4)3 Cathode for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 4265-4272, 2014.

24. X. Q. Yu, H. L. Pan, W. Wan, C. Ma, J. M. Bai, Q. P. Meng, S. N. Ehrlich, Yong-Sheng Hu* and X.-Q. Yang*
A Size-Dependent Sodium Storage Mechanism in Li4Ti5O12 Investigated by a Novel Characterization Technique Combining in Situ X‑ray Diffraction and Chemical Sodiation
Nano Letters, 13, 4721−4727, 2013.

23. Y. S. Wang, X. Q. Yu, S. Y. Xu, J. M. Bai, R. J. Xiao*, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, X.-Q. Yang, L. Q. Chen and X. J. Huang
A zero-strain layered metal oxide as the negative electrode for long-life sodium-ion batteries
Nature Communications, 4, 2365, 2013.

22. Y. Sun, L. Zhao, H. L. Pan, X. Lu, L. Gu*, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, M. Armand, Y.Ikuhara, L. Q. Chen and X. J. Huang
Direct Atomic-Scale Confirmation of Three-Phase Storage Mechanism in Li4Ti5O12 Anodes for Room-Temperature Sodium-Ion Batteries
Nature Communications, 4, 1870, 2013.

21. L. M. Suo, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, M. Armand and L. Q. Chen
A new class of Solvent-in-Salt electrolyte for high-energy rechargeable metallic lithium batteries
Nature Communications, 4, 1481, 2013.

20. H. L. Pan, Yong-Sheng Hu* and L. Q. Chen
Room-temperature stationary sodium-ion batteries for large-scale electric energy storage
Energy & Environmental Science, 6: 2338-2360, 2013. (Invited review article)

19. H. L. Pan, X. Lu, X. Q. Yu, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, X. Q. Yang and L. Q. Chen
Sodium storage and transport properties in layered Na2Ti3O7 for room-temperature sodium-ion batteries
Advanced Energy Materials, 3, 1186-1194, 2013.

18. Z. L. Jian, W. Z. Han, X. Lu, H. X. Yang, Yong-Sheng Hu*, J. Zhou, Z. B. Zhou, J. Q. Li, W. Chen*, D. F. Chen* and L. Q. Chen
Superior electrochemical performance and storage mechanism of Na3V2(PO4)3 cathode for room-temperature sodium-ion batteries
Advanced Energy Materials, 3, 156-160, 2013.

17. X. Lu, Y. Sun, Z. L. Jian, X. Q. He, L. Gu*, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, Z. X. Wang, X. F. Duan,L. Q. Chen, J. Maier and Y. Ikuhara
New insight in the atomic structure of electrochemically delithiated O3-Li(1-x)CoO2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) nano-particles.
Nano Letters,12, 6192-6197, 2012.

16. X. Lu, L. Zhao, X. Q. He, R. J. Xiao, L. Gu*, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, Z. X. Wang, X. F. Duan, L. Q. Chen, J. Maier and Y. Ikuhara
Li-storage in Li4Ti5O12 spinel: The full static picture from Electron Microscopy
Advanced Materials, 24, 3233-3238, 2012.
Highlight by Science (see http://www.sciencemag.org/content/336/6089/twil.full)

15. L. Zhao, J. M. Zhao, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, Z. B. Zhou, M. Armand and L. Q. Chen
Disodium Terephthalate (Na2C8H4O4) as High Performance Anode Material for Low-Cost Room-Temperature Sodium-Ion Battery
Advanced Energy Materials, 2, 962-965, 2012.

14. L. Zhao, H. L. Pan, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li and L. Q. Chen
Spinel lithium titanate (Li4Ti5O12) as novel anode material for room-temperature sodium-ion battery
Chinese Physics B, 21: 028201, 2012.

13. Z. L. Jian, L. Zhao, H. L. Pan, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, W. Chen* and L. Q. Chen
Carbon coated Na3V2(PO4)3 as novel electrode material for sodium ion batteries
Electrochem. Commun.,14: 86-89, 2012.

12. X. Lu, Z. L. Jian, Z. Fang, L. Gu*, Yong-Sheng Hu*, W. Chen, Z. X. Wang and L. Q. Chen
Atomic-scale investigation on lithium storage mechanism in TiNb2O7
Energy & Environmental Science, 4: 2638-2644, 2011.

11. L. Zhao, Yong-Sheng Hu*, H. Li, Z. X. Wang and L. Q. Chen*
Porous Li4Ti5O12 Coated with N-Doped Carbon from Ionic Liquids for Li-Ion Batteries
Advanced Materials 23: 1385-1388, 2011.

10. Y. F. Shi, B. K. Guo, S. A. Corr, Q. H. Shi, Yong-Sheng Hu*, K. R. Heier, L. Q. Chen, R. Seshadri* and G.D. Stucky*
Ordered Mesoporous Metallic MoO2 Materials with Highly Reversible Lithium Storage Capacity
Nano Letters 9:4215-4220,2009.

9. Yong-Sheng Hu*, X. Liu, J.-O. Müller, R. Schlögl, J. Maier* and D. S. Su*
Synthesis and Superior Electrode Performance of Nanostructured V2O5 Using Carbon Tube-in-tube as Nano-reactor and Efficient Mixed Conducting Network
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48: 210-214, 2009.

8. Yong-Sheng Hu*, R. D. Cakan, M.-M. Titirici*, J.-O. Müller, R. Schlögl, M. Antonietti and J. Maier*
Superior Storage Performance of a Si@SiOx/C Nanocomposite as Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 47: 1645-1649, 2008.

7. H. Kaper, F. Endres, I. Djerdj, M. Antonietti, B. M. Smarsly*, J. Maier and Yong-Sheng Hu*
Direct Low Temperature Synthesis of Rutile Nanostructures in Ionic Liquids and their electrochemical property
Small 3: 1753-1763, 2007.

6. Yong-Sheng Hu, Y. -G. Guo, R. Dominko, M. Gaberscek, J. Jamnik and J. Maier
Improved electrode performance of porous LiFePO4 using RuO2 as an oxidic nanoscale interconnect
Adv. Mater. 19: 1963-1966, 2007.

5. Y.-G. Guo, Yong-Sheng Hu*, W. Sigle and J. Maier*
Superior electrode performance of nanostructured mesoporous TiO2 (anatase) through efficient hierarchical mixed conducting networks
Adv. Mater. 19: 2087-2091, 2007.

4. Yong-Sheng Hu, Y.-G. Guo, W. Sigle, S. Hore, P. Balaya, and J. Maier
Electrochemical lithiation synthesis of nanoporous materials with superior catalytic and capacitive activity
Nature Mater. 5: 713-717, 2006.

3. Yong-Sheng Hu, L. Kienle, Y.-G. Guo, and J. Maier
High Lithium Electroactivity of Nano-sized Rutile
Adv. Mater. 18:1421-1426, 2006.

2. Yongsheng Hu, W. H. Kong, H. Li, X. J. Huang and L. Q. Chen
Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Reduction Mechanism of Vinyl Ethylene Carbonate on Graphite Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries
Electrochem. Commun. 6(2): 126-131, 2004.

1. Yongsheng Hu, H. Li, X. J. Huang and L. Q. Chen
Novel Room Temperature Molten Salt Electrolyte Based on LiTFSI and Acetamide for Lithium Batteries
Electrochem. Commun. 6(1): 28-32, 2004. 








